Eh, sure. *Passes an ice cream cone* Now, to other matters. *Beats the crap out of Rosey*
Uh, hmmm, eh, let's do this the old fashion way. *summons claymore and uses AR MAX to clone myself to three* Die, Pro!
Gah! *Summons 10,000 razor sharp ice cream cones and throws them at proluc* How do you like me now!?!
Who the hell is he? *whacks you with gaint ice cream* If anyone wants more ice cream, try to kill Rosey! She's my evil twin sister ( seriously, she is:sideways:)
The ice cream's power!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! *takes out gaint 20 foot high ice cream* Srcumb to my will, and i might share a little. :sneaky:
Who is the old saix? Did he change his name? Did he get banned? Could he not handle the power of ice cream!?
But why did he remember them with KH2 faces? I know Simba reconized them, not duh, but how did he remember them with those faces, when he had never seen them? Even if they were Kh2 grown by the time.
Does anyone remember the scene in kh2 where Simba reunites with Sora? Well, when he does that flashing I.D thing, where he sees Sora as a human, why is Sora in kh2 form ( and why is he wearing kh1 clothes)? Simba had only seen Sora during kh1 ( except in my game, i never used him), when he was NOT grown up. So yah. =P
Wait, I broke a rule? Huh?
I resent that name. >_> EDIT: Where'd all these people come from? o.O
So what? You were the one who tipped me up on that.
Well, I mean, she's not bad. It's just that she's my only twin sister, so she has to be the most evil. Of course, I have an older sister, and, looking at her, I guess Aerith and I get along pretty well ( she has asked me not to use her true name). I think that's because we have some common interests ( Kh2, youtube, the loathing of Bush, etc.)
Hi, I'm I'm Alex, with my screenname as Saix. I choose it because it was actually open. Also, I am Aerithrose's evil twin brother, or rather, she's my evil twin sister. I've heard about this site, watched a few COM clips here, and even been to Arc's fourm. So, yah, hi everyone one, and i'm off to the spam zone. :stupid: