OOC: Yay! =D Lexy (Occ: Yes, i call him lexy) walked into the room, hearing the noise. " Um, hello?" No one payed attention. "Hello?" Lexy yelled, starting to get impatient. When no one responded, he screamed " HEY!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!" He slammed his tomahack down on the ground, lifting earth above the battle scene, smashing everything it could touch.
"What the!?" Zexion exlcaimed, ending the darkness. " Run, Run away!" As he teleported upstairs.
OOC: Hey nymph, can I be Lexarus? Please.? =)
"Ack!" Zexion shouted in suprise. He was hit, but quickly recovered and prepared for new spells. "I may not be able to trap you, but i can still cast real spells!" A dark erupted from Zexion's hand, all over the room, and although he could see, everyone else could not.
" I'm not telling" Zexion laughed as the game started. OOC: Do you seriously not know how to play?
"Why should I? Don't you know knowledge is power?" Zexions voice echoed thoughout the book world. "Now, let's play get to the blue circle before it's too late". 3 circles appeared, all red, but blue would scatter thoughout them, alternating and randomly switching. OOC: Yes, his desperation move from KH2FM
"That's it? Maybe we can have some other fun" Zexion grinned. He pulled out his attack book, and sucked Marly into the book world. "Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" OOC: Mabye. I'm not good a FF RP. =/
OOC: Can I join in? I want to try to kill Xemnas. =D
"Oh, is that all, a prank on the superior?" said Zexion unpassionately, as he put his book away. "Well, maybe i could help. What's the plan? And why haven't you exploded, number XII? I thought you couldn't get wet."
OOC: Yay! ^_^ Zexion walked in the house, reading his book, wondering what the noise was all about. " Uh, hey everyone, I'm here. Um, why is the floor all wet?"
OOC: I'm new, can I be Lexaeus? Please. =D
OOC: Can I be Zexion? If someone already took that in the 30 seconds here, then Luxord?
Hey! I'm 13, and Rosey stole the "serious chat* out of our genes when we weren't even born yet ( although I do get into politics alot, but when has that ever been serious XD)
MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was Frozen Yogurt!!! *whacks you with gaint ice cream* This is Ice Cream!! *takes out claymore and prepares to do batle with, your riku, right?* ( Time out, no god modding XD)
Uh, that's a good question. XD
That is wierd. Hmm... I swear to god this will not kill you.
K * hands over ice cream*. Enjoy. =D =D =D =D
* Comes back to life* who wants ice cream, anyone?
I win. =D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!! Now, who wants ice cream? =)
ha ha! You only killed one! *god mods and comes back to life* Now:yelling:, to other busniess * god mods ( again) and summon 20000^20000000^200000^10000000000000000000000000000000000000 claymores* *Kills you*