"So, what do we do first, coach?"
Lexy walked over to the football field, intending to try out.
"What is with this school!?" Lexy exclaimed. "When is class? Better go send a nobody to get my scheule". Lexy summoned one of his personal dusks and ordered him to find the teacher.
" I play lineback" Lexarus said cheerfully. "Anyone else want to play?"
Lexy turned to the newcomer " I'm Lexarus, who are you?".
"anyone up for football?" asking Lexy, trying to change to subject. " We can play, the interesting way"
"Uh Hero, here" Lexy passed an elixir to him, and procedded to banish his tomahawk.
Suddenly, Lexy relized what was happening, half way beating the crap out of Hero. "Uh, sorry kid." ^^ OOC:Btw, He doesn't know Yumi's a girl.
When Yumi was done with Hero, Lexy jumped, readying his tomahack, and slammed it into the dazed hero.
OOC: Hey! No killing me! Or mortally wounding me while I'm gone. Zexion gave a a shrill which was an attept of surrender. He teleported away, to the realm of darkness, to plot his revenge.
"Go on Yumi!" Lexy shouted in support.
"You still don't shoot at a kid!" Lexy screamed, rage piling up within him, but stil lrefraining from attacking.
"Hey! No... one... touches... Roxas!" Lexy screamed, raising his voice as he took out his tomahack. He then turned to hero. threw his tomahack at him, and charged after it, fist raised.
"When does class start, anyway?" Lexy winced, still recovering from the punch. " I haven't gotten my schuele yet."
"What are you talking about, guys?" Lexy asked curiously, turning his attention away from the strange blondie he had seen. EDIT: "Ow!" Lexy shouted, as he was hit with a fist that so happened to belonged to the strange blondie. "What was that about?!". OOC: Seriously, what are you talking about?
OOC: No worries ^_^ "Hey, why the irritated face, blondie? And man, you look like someone I know in the organization. Expect she's a girl. Nowhere near as strong, cool looking, and fast as you are. And she had emtional problems. Isn't that funny?" Lexy laughed. OOC: Lexy's dead. ._.
OOC: Hey everyone. ^_^ I'm Lexy, in case anyone wasn't here when i've made two posts so far. You forgot to record me on the char list, nymph. "Hey everyone, how's it going?" Lexy yawned, just waking up.
He's easy after you fight him a ton. I don't have a recording device, but i can no damage him at lvl 41. You just have to play safe, be quick, and have skills at guarding ( even if you can reflect, you'll run out of mp)
"Sorry," said Lexy appologetily, as he picked up his sword and summoned it away. Um, so, what's happening? OOC: Seriously, what is happening? XD
"Your not the one getting swarmed with meteors!" Zexion shouted back, as one of his books absorbed a metoer and as he dogded another.