lololololol .
Pretty sure that Kaxej had suggested it before and I liked the idea. I think if they can't do the ribbon thing, then I though of colored usernames. Also, the rule to keep gfx makers from winning twice in a row. It would seem a bit unfair if the same person won everytime.
Wake up ;~;
Hercules, Toy Story, TNBC, Treasure Planet, and Lion King.
Just as flamboyant as I expected it to be.
You're like, never on msn any more. t.t You make me a sadd.
Epic use of topaz is epic. imo thats as good as it'll get, but you COULD add more color in the bottom right corner.
BEFORE YOU GET 7! If you've got a PSP, please get Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. Epic plot and its the first game in the FF7 series. If you wanna play like a man, go for X because its turn based. Plot is badass and you'll be up till like 3 AM trying to beat Seymour. B|
You jinxed it, man.
1 year.
How're things with that one girl? lol
*noms* :3 You taste funny.
T^T i has moar smurts den joo
Hola senor. ::L:
Oh noez. What happened?
Well I'm a smurt guy. c:
oh noez you cant diez
DURKA DUUUUUUUUR!!! Did your msn break? :c