******. I put off all my homework until Sunday and now I must take my leave and do it. Farewell.
Yea. c: I never talked to you before so Im all like, no time like the present ::L:
I've had mine for 9 years and never had a single problem with it. I play it frequently, though nowadays, only once everyother day or so.
....shut up D: Its cool.
Oh hey. You came back. c:
Persoanlly, the only decent one is the first, cause the color isnt over taking the whole icon. I think I liked your first batch more because of that reason alone. Render the image itself and THEN add a background if you wanna go the extra mile. Pretty sure thats the only problem.
Oh aren't you just a doll. B| y nawt?
You sound liek me from 1 year ago. c:
You should get an msn t.t We need to talk more
If you made the stupid files, hurry up with the next one cause your youtube page has said you're 5% done for about a year now. 8( If you just ripped off the name, great job ::L: Either way, welcome and have a crazy sweet time here. Read the rules if you get to it.
c: omg thank you sweetie
*too lazy* Fine. B| http://i924.photobucket.com/albums/ad88/Ausphyxiated/kefkatag.png...
Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Youve gotten alot better at your art work ::L: *coughandsohaveicough*
A feelin deep inside, oh yeah. Oh yeah.
ohai We havent chatted in a good while. :3
Okay Slip, it took me 2 months. ::L:
Twitter page doesnt exist.