I'd love to see some of your work. Any of it on youtube?
I must find these and join them one thousand times over.
How the **** does he have a whale for a daughter?
Pretty sweet. Lovin every bit of it. We should do this again sometime.
You're going through a lot of **** right now and I'm sorry it's happening. Dunno how you know you have a 37% chance of having lung cancer, but you haven't told anyone about it. Still though, all the stuff you tell me about really cuts to my core and I really wish we could do something to help you. Keep your hopes up, you have our support.
They call me Mister Tibbs
Whatcha up to?
Youll just have to live with that.
Ive lost all respect for you
Cool. Im glad. I need subscribers though. Think you can help with that? xD
You like it?
Music videos for an all instrumental album so far. I only started about a week ago. Sub if you want to/can....
I come back and you're still not here? What gives man?
Does anyone else here film? For fun perhaps? Maybe even you plan to become a cameraman or producer/editor? Talk about it. I hope to major in Film and Television Production in college and am making some short films currently to raise awareness of alcohol and drug abuse with some professional artists. I use After Effects CS4 at my bud's studio and Vegas Pro 9 for personal use. What about you?
o sure y nawt. <3 Ill link you the PSD in a sec