Hey, uhm, after studying it for a while, I thought about changing a few minor details in the lyrics of Prince Plumsy, just so it flows...
I would not want to trouble you at all wih this, honest. I already have Fork's original parody thread saved here. I THINK I'll be fine wihout your reference. But then again, what do I know? Okay, so I'll be trying it out first early this week, hm?
Prince Plumsy, if you'd be oh so very kind.
Not only that, but all names were repeated there too, you know. And that happened again at 2:19-2:24, only this time even the renders remained unchanged--not to mention my name being "Judgs"--, which ended up discrediting Cookie, What? and Amethyst almost entirely for this line. You can still hear their voices though... But I think ruining the party is not our point here, definitely not mine. Congratulations on (y)our long-lasting, hard-working project; may it remain such for another year or so. I think this little fungus is going to have a great time failing horribly at singing here again. It's not like this is the only place I dare to, anyway.
Oh dorp is me! Sorry folks... Guess I'll be joining Fork in Jayn's Hellfires. EDIT: NO WAIT JAYN AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH--
I'm in. And I do mean "I". No one else. Lines 6, 13, 14, 22 and 23. Not expecting ninjas, though.
Noooo! You weren't making me uncomfortable! That's just my usual reaction to compliments... D:
Oh, err.... Thanks? *embarrassed* Just finished editing the remaining mistakes I left there, hm... Whoops. :P
Expect low scores, as I'm not that big of a fan of japanese music. No, seriously, I'm really not, even though that shan't interfere with my judgement. Am I the only one here like this? _D.O.O.D.S. Spoiler Interpretation: 12/20. While I do agree that the song is VERY sad, its entirety did not appear to be a possible embodyment of deep sorrow or the like, to me. You see, the lyrics alone couldn't provide me enough of a sad feeling for the whole thing to be it. Creativity: 17/20. You did a great job in terms of boldness by selecting a fast-paced and violent-ish song. I was very much intrigued by the description. Effort: 14/20. A debate arose in the family, I see effort put in that. Regardless, there were no alternatives to the final choice, but I don't know if this can be righteously counted as a negative aspect. Product: 13/20. Bluntly speaking, only 10% of it came off to me as actually sad. But man, what a 10%... ;_; I was extremely moved by the ending, after some good 4 minutes of skepticism. Total: 56/80 or 14/20, depending on how Jayn wants it. Comments: You could have been more careful with your choice, in my opinion. _Kuroshitsuji Spoiler Interpretation: 20/20. Oh sweet harmonies, how melancholic... Not much else to put here, you picked a truly sad song. Creativity: 19/20. A song picked from a movie soundtrack was commendable. +Points for the interesting and marvelous description. Effort: 20/20. Multiple suggestions, common interest, et cetera. I mean, you even watched/streamed the movie for it. Product: 18/20. I have a soft spot for this type of music. So beautiful, yet saddening. A teensy weensy repetitive, though. Total: 77/80 or 19/20. Comments: Exceptional piece. Well done, I felt it right in the heart. *sob* _Project Nocturne Spoiler Interpretation: 20/20. Same as Kuroshitsuji's. Creativity: 17/20. Concise description, good song choice, and uh, yeah, not much for me to say... Effort: 12/20. Nope, couldn't see it very well. I'll score it average just because it was not completely neglected, or so it seems. Product: 19/20. Great song, incredibly moving. I only disliked some vocal effects. Also, the "Mediocre me" part really struck a chord here... *sob* Gah! Stop making me almost cry, guys. ._. Total: 68/80 or 16/20. Comments: Inside, I wept like that violin. Just not outside, that would be unmanly of me. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SO DEPRESSING? D':>
OOC: This is virtually the only place I post on, heh. Also, welcome, Andrew. A plausible response, that of Krowley, given the situation's unordinary chain of events. Even so, it was far from reassuring, to be honest. A scenario that not even the guides were capable of handling, how can that inspire confidence or optimism? Well, actually, to Felix that was a piece of cake, though his case is a different one. Anyway, since Annalynne was unsure of how to divert their worries and attention, Felix was compelled to intervene. "Hold your horses, now, miss! Or tears, rather. 'Entertain' is my middle name! I'll be more than happy to assist us all in this troubling matter", he said, approaching the small group. He put away his cards, saying; "Who's up for a joke? Okay, there's this elephant on a rose field--no, wait, that's not how it goes......" The fact was, Felix didn't plan on working that day, if you can say that is really "working". Don't get him wrong, it was no big of a deal nor too difficult, only unexpected. The nervous and exclusively feminine crowd wasn't helping, either. Alas, he resorted to a task that was less prone to his current sloppiness--juggling. "Allow me to try something else, then". The performer pulled out five small rubber balls out of his sleeves [OOC: derp, haters gonna hate] and commenced his routine, hoping it would help in providing enough time for the guide to encounter a solution.
Presence confirmed. I'll be going through the judging parameters again, just to be well prepared. Good luck, everyone.
You have been awarded a trophy: Worst Skype Convo Administrator
Killing his mother means destroying every possibility of obtaining Anima. How could you?
Strangely, my profile now says "Lurking" instead of "Viewing/Searching -whatever-". Maybe it's just me though.
I think this is something even I am capable of elucidating. The 1 didn't go anywhere, it was multiplied by r. In detail: u = 1 + r + r^2 + r^3 +r^4... u * r = r(1) + r(r) + r(r^2) + r(r^3) + r(r^4)... = r + r^2 + r^3 + r^4 + r^5... Now, about the sequences' difference, do you agree that every power of r in u is also present in u * r? More clearly: u = 1 + (powers of r); u * r = (powers of r) In the end, subracting u * r from u results in 1.
Remember how people would only accept one of these? Well, I believe there will be a time in which mine will be one of the dominant arithmetic axioms, right next to Peano's.
Pay attention to this, closely, as I'm only explaining it once: Spoiler x = x 3x = 3x 2x + 1x = 2x + 1x 2x - 2x = 1x - 1x 2(x - x) = 1(x - x) 2(x - x)/(x - x) = 1 2 = 1 Applying the above to your question: Spoiler z = 1 + 1 z = (2) + (2) z = 4 FINAL ANSWER: Spoiler 1 + 1 = 4
I just felt the need to drop these here:
I don't do subtraction, I do division. The ratio is approximately 83.65517 to one.
/inb4thelock, I guess...?