You DO want it, else you wouldn't have posted. I'd rather you sing it and hate me than have you sit out. Tell you what. if you sing my version,...
Nononono! You gotta sing it! I'll drop out, ASAP! D:
I Am The Walrus, I guess . Nevermind. Fork'll have it :b
Thanks a bunch! I'm glad my voice somehow managed pleased you guys. :P Yours was really cool too, French Fries.
/Save first of all, duh. [x] Hell no, uh-uh, this is your flashlight, mmmhm.
You can't slack, when you can't work.
[x] Open the door. Open Gangdoor Style~
Aaaand, I missed it. >Waits until 3:02 PM. >Is ordered to leave by unknown forces of parental nature. >Refuses. >Computer manages to pull a 'blue screen of death' on him JUST AS IT WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN. >Leaves. >Comes back home two hours later, after watching a movie he'd already seen. FML D: Now, to wait for the uploads...
It just hit me: Why not more Tim Burton Halloween-esqueness? [Halloween Poll] Remains of the Day - Danny Elfman Spoiler: Real Deal Spoiler: Instrumental
[x] Follow House to the Vivi. Get it?
[x] Tell me about the haunted house.
/HP and /Inventory for preemptive intel, then [x] Catch up to Vivi.
I see. Hm, I cannot think of any other way to boost participation in this project, given its designated purpose. Very well, then. This was fun, guys! Glad to have helped.
Thanks Jayn! Sorry for my lateness, I'll make it up to you. Here we go: _Project Nocturne Spoiler Interpretation: 10/20. I prefer to weight each guideline equally, so by overlooking just one of the two major ones (theme and form), IMO, your score here shouldn't be as low as in Jayn's review. (And Jayn, before you stop by to murder me again for incompetent judging, keep in mind this is still a sub-par score...) Creativity: 9/20. Well, uhm... Idk what to put here honestly. 'Twas not really that creative of a poem per se, but it'll have to do. Effort: 1/20. Because 1 poem was written by 1 person, instead of 1 family. No1 seemed to care, not even 1 post was made in your family thread. Kudos, this was 1 heck of a "1" parade. Product: 14/20. I did like it. Simplistic poetry is simply awesome. Although, a few parts felt unnecessary. You could have even managed to keep it within the line limit, with better planning. -1 point due to capitalization inconsistency at the beginning of verses. (Yes, I'm that picky.) Total: 34/80. Comments: Read. The. Guidelines. And. Work. As. A. Team. _Kuroshitsuji Spoiler Interpretation: 20/20. Same as Project Nocturne's. Except you got both things right. Creativity: 17/20. Metaphors! Personifications! All the good figurative stuff. One thing though, aren't "silence" and "lack of voice" sort of the same? In a piece this small, I'm not sure repetitions are a good thing. Effort: 12/20. Aside from Feenie's couple of posts at the start, you had an over two pages-long to and fro conversation. This is great, but, as much as I'd like to score you higher for /your/ effort, girls, like the parameters state ("effort [...] put into the challenge as a team"), few people=little effort. Product: 13/20. Well, I spot a big syntax gap here. There doesn't seem to be a main clause in these (excuse my layman's terms, not a native english speaker): First verse is clause-dependant because the "With" is indicating a simultaneous happening; second verse refers on the already incomplete first; 3rd-4th verses are also an incomplete sentence, i.e., "How this provides a way"--the sentence's core--needs its own verb. Anyway, while I do understand the main ideas you're trying to get through, you got it somewhat iffy grammatically-wise. Total: 62/80. Comments: I'm starting to see a trend here. Too bad it's already over, apparently. _D.O.O.D.S. & _I.N.V.S.P. [Gotta have my share of fun with this...] Spoiler Interpretation: 45/20. Terrific! Wow, such honesty to say that KHV means zilch to yo-- What's that, Jayn? Hold on just a minute, folks. -- Ok, so I've just been informed by the boss that I can't grade your poems the same way as the other's, and that they have to be fulminated by nullity. To you illiterates, that means you get a chubby "0" score. Who'd have thought, huh? Total: 0/80 & 0/80. While we're at it, I have an idea for your games, Jayn. What if the participants had to be newly-formed groups of, idk, 4-6+ people, instead of an entire family? Think the Wonderland Event, only with bigger groups. By removing the "Forum Families Only" restriction, we'd have both the possibility of more Users joining, and stronger commitment. Something as big as an entire family is very prone to be housing inactive and/or uninterested components. If they have to build a smaller team SPECIFICALLY for the games, it is more than likely that they really WANT to participate and aren't just being dragged along by their family, ya dig? Just throwing thoughts at the wall here. I'd really like this to go on and become an actual thing, like a KHV-lympics.
I request a FFG judging deadline extension for this evening. I'm away travelling for the weekend, and I didn't have enough time to sit down,...
Off on weekend vacation, be back on Sunday.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) - ABBA Spoiler: Real Deal Spoiler: Instrumental All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem Spoiler: Real Deal Spoiler: Instrumental
Maaaake waaaaaay for Prince Plumsyyyy~ Hmm, first of all, the way they are written, or rather, the author's writing style. Why? Well, simply because you can have any given character outline, that when put in paper by the hands of different people/perspectives gives out visibly distinct results. They might have the same name, the same behavior pattern, and even be in the same setting and story, but they are, essentially, different characters, don't you agree? Secondly, as I just mentioned, there's the setting. This one is a lot more noticeable than the last aspect. A character's surroundings and circumstances are defined by and also define them. Take an old-fashioned gentleman who goes by the name of, say, Ashwin (sorry bro) for instance, and put him in an epic medieval novel that revolves around knights, crusades, moral integrity, all that romantic idealism. Fits perfectly, right? :3 Now, imagine this same character in some dystopic, ultra-individualistic society. The character~~setting contrast index goes through the roof! (k, I'll stop now ;--; ) Anyway, in both situations, we have the exact same person there (consider same author as well), who may be nonetheless equally relevant to either plot. However, two different sides of his interactions and personality are explored in each, therefore having separate effects on the reader. Lastly, I personally prefer not to deem a character as "good", "bad", "solid", "weak", etc., because, despite my username, I don't believe I hold the technical knowledge or experience to judge them, lol. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Okay, so I can't really answer those last two questions, seeing as how I have never created any characters, EVER. So... Yeah. :/
Very well, then. Can I send my version to you via PM?
Hey, Fork, sorry to bother you. So, after studying it for a while, I thought about changing a few minor details in the lyrics of Prince Plumsy...