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  1. Judge Sunrose
    Come on, Judge, no more slacking, you hear?

    Lines 8, 16, 27 and 30. Shake it up, fellas.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Judge Sunrose
    Amaury, I find your voice to be somewhat soothing.

    On a more related note, I like snow.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Judge Sunrose
  4. Judge Sunrose
    The result of a Google Translation from English to Finnish. Try reversing it and you'll get the joke.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Judge Sunrose
    Loriah, aka "Valtava".
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Judge Sunrose

    Only thing I could think of when I read that.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Judge Sunrose
    Sign me up for this thing, Mr. Axelrod. Sounds like fun.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Judge Sunrose
  9. Judge Sunrose
    Basically, GS and I swapped songs. I thought you were going to update the list. You still haven't, so I'm just pointing it out. Also, he's doing a parody we wrote for Fresh Prince, which might be the reason you got confuzzled.

    There is a high chance that I'm going to send my lines in tomorrow. Tuesday on the latest, but it's very unlikely.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  10. Judge Sunrose
    Captain Jim And The Snuggle Bunnies. Wait, that's TOO good of a name. I think I'll keep it for myself.

    Perhaps something like Paperbacks VS Hardcovers.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Judge Sunrose
  12. Judge Sunrose
    Gee, if you had told me sooner I'd have been totally fine with that. The thing is, GS (Black Magic) and I have already settled it through Skype, so Fresh Prince isn't mine to trade anymore. We even wrote the parody together. :x You could try contacting him, or even choosing another song. Might I suggest Face to Face, since it would have been my second choice.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  13. Judge Sunrose
    Request finished. Aaaaaaaaand, here's your order, Plumzor:

    What?'s Best Friend

    You call me up in the mornings
    We'll stay on the phone until dawning
    You tell me stuff that makes me want to sleep
    You call me up around noon and
    Bring me all the lab gossip
    You know I love blowing things up
    They say we both look like creeps

    'Cuz we talk about SCIENCE and we talk about research
    And we talk about life and we talk about death
    And we dance in Byzantium
    We dance on the cosmos
    We dance in the lectures
    We dance at the party-cles,
    And dance, dance
    No, we don't really dance like this

    Damn, I wish I was a meteor
    Damn, I wish I was a meteor
    Damn, I wish I was gravitated to you
    Damn, I wish I was a weak acid
    Damn, I wish I was a weak acid
    Damn, I wish I was, so you could be bromthymol blue

    You call me up in the evenings
    And tell me what you cooked this time
    No matter what, I'm by your side
    When it's raining, we'll go to the video store
    We even like the same animu
    Lots of Puella Magi this time

    And you don't get my jokes
    I laugh at Wookiie jokes
    And I even like the birthday presents you get me
    We dance in Byzantium
    We dance on the cosmos
    We dance in the lectures
    We dance at the party-cles
    And dance, dance
    No, we don't really dance like this

    Damn, I wish I was a meteor
    Damn, I wish I was a meteor
    Damn, I wish I was gravitated to you
    Damn, I wish I was a weak acid
    Damn, I wish I was a weak acid
    Damn, I wish I was, so you could be bromthymol blue
    So you could be bromthymol blue

    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't I fall in love with you?
    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't I just fall in love with you?
    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't, why don't I fall?
    Why don't I just fall in love with you?
    There are a couple of inside jokes that only Ashwin himself would get. Anyway, thank you for stopping by, my very first customer! If there's something you dislike and want me to change, do tell. CnC is appreciated, as always, but not demanded.

    Hooray, I did my first job!
    If you don't like it, I'll sob.​
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: Archives
  14. Judge Sunrose
    Turns out I'm no good at rapping. So much for trying something new... Welp, onto another song.
    GS, would you mind if I had Only You? I've been practicing my Mark Hamill Joker impersonation of this ever since KN #5.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  15. Judge Sunrose
    Oh dang it, didn't see the new achievements! And I get one even without asking for it! Thank uu.

    Dramatica for me as well, both in Prince Plumsy and in Grinch.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  16. Judge Sunrose
    See, Amaury, the thing is, irregular metric systems (lb-oz, hours-minutes-seconds, degrees) aren't taught correctly, as I can see here. What I mean is, there is a much simpler way to avoid this kind of mistake you're making, for pretty much any system.

    You say, for instance, an hour is equal to 60 minutes. You got the hours->minutes conversion correctly, but to do minutes->hours, you only need to do a simple division: x minutes/60. If you get a remainder, which will happen in most cases, that's the extra minutes you're looking for. E.g., 700 minutes = 700/60 = 11 hours AND 40 minutes (the remainder from the division).

    Same applies to oz->lb, only this time, the form is: x oz/16. Your answer is correct, although incomplete. You have 8 lb and 20 oz, but you can still divide 20 oz/16, which gives an adittional 1 lb and 4 oz (once again, the remainder). Total: 9 lb and 4 oz.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Judge Sunrose
    I was going to say "wow, tough call between Face to Face and Only You", but then I thought "hmm, let's not pick one of our suggestions, for change", and here we are:

    Fresh Prince 'a Bel-Air.

    (Although, if anyone is interested, I can swap songs as well for one of those two mentioned above. Ah, what the heck, it could be any song actually.)


    - languagebender (Cara Mia is in italian /obvious)
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. Judge Sunrose
    Naw, it's your sleeping pattern that's damaged your temporal perception.

    Aside from that, hello all. Hopefully will listen to everything.
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  19. Judge Sunrose
    ~ Hello hello! What will you be having today, my fellow gentleman or gentlewoman? How about a nice, savory poem for the go?
    Perhaps a nutritiously amusing parody, or a portion of well-baked help potatos? ~
    Uhm, nevermind my delusional restaurant metaphors. Welcome to Judge's very own Poetry&Lyrics Shop!

    < ROOLZ <
    1. Follow the form structure provided in each tab dogmatically. Lol jk not really, but try to make it similar, on the very least.
    2. Request only one type of prompt at a time.
    3. Be forgiving and patient. I'm not some DaVinci of poetry, capable of producing buttloads of masterpieces while sleeping 15 minutes every hour; MEANING, don't expect much from me, and don't ask for a deadline if I don't give you one.
    4. Give suggestions, feedback and due credit. I'm relatively new 'round here, and as far as I can tell, this is also KHV's first attempt at a P&L Shop. I want you to help me improve it so I can provide better services for you guys in return!
    5. English please. I don't speak other languages and I don't see a way of pulling that off.
    WARNING: not the most reliable of shops, prone to failures and unfulfillment of some requests.

    This is a service from which you are entitled to request the following:

    • < Help with completing that one darned piece that simply isn't flowing out of your brains! <
      Going through that writer's block, eh? Want a second opinion on something? Say no more. I'd gladly TRY and discuss, make suggestions, fill in bits; in short, do anything to/with/on/about/*random preposition* your own work. This is the most direct action out of all three here, and fairly handleable, in my opinion.

      COMMAND: /judgehalp
      GUIDELINES: "I'm having trouble with the third stanza. Also, what do you think of verses 20-21, are they too long?"
      *Insert your poem or lyrics here*
      PM-ABLE: y/n

    • <Bounce an idea off of my poor writing mad skills, brah! <
      Want a different (or similar, if that's the case) poetic point of view to help you get inspired? I can also TRY and do cheesy love poems for that special person of yours. aye. This should be the most complicated and unreliable type, because I'd actually have to do everything -- rhythm, words, rhymes, theme approach -- by myself, so I'd LOVE it if you were to, say, provide a phrase, another poem, song, text, topic, or really anything that'd help me meet your expectations more accurately. If you just say "make a poem", this happens:
      I sat on a coconut tree
      to watch my love walk by.
      My love didn't show up,
      I came down.
      COMMAND: /judgepoet
      GUIDELINES: "I'd like a sonnet [DO remember to link me like this for any specific form!] about birds because I can't write sonnets and I have adhd and OH LOOK A BIRD!" -- Plums
      *Insert your references here*
      PM-ABLE: y/n

      This lovely thread of mine.
    • < Make a song turn into a lyrical joke or a special homage? I'm on it! <
      Now, this is the good part! Most rewarding and most of the time easiest of all three. I can almost guarantee I'm going to produce good stuff here for you. Just tell me the theme (e.g. KH, KHV, KHV members, a certain game, et cetera), hook me up with the original song (and ovbiously lyrics as well), and I'll get this thang rollin'. Some orders might just be plain impossible, given an imcompatible combination of theme and song. E.g., a story of a post-apocalyptic space monkey nazi civilization, using the lyrics of Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'. It sounds funny, but is highly impractical. No can do. OH! One more thing. You can ask for a parody of a song you're singing in Karaoke Night, and score a juicy achievement -- Singing is LIGHT!; Parodeeeeh.

      COMMAND: /judgesatyr
      GUIDELINES: "Please write a parody about the story of a Hydrogen atom in the heart of the Sun using the following song, sir." -- What?
      *Insert the song here*
      *and a link to its lyrics here*
      PM-ABLE: y/n

      Prince Plumsy (Prince Ali) -- NOTE: This was a coop with Forsaken. He wrote the original parody (lol) and I did a few ajustments.
      I Am The Roxas (I Am The Walrus)
      Shipping In November (September)

    < SERVED <
    - Plums

    STATUS: Open.
    - lil woj

    I would like to thank Plums for helping me figure this out, and What? for testrunning my layout. Also Fork for, idk, something. I do hope you who makes use of the shop enjoys it. Have fun, and happy requesting, folks!
    Thread by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 22, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Judge Sunrose
    Twinkies for 5,000 dollars? Try a loaf of bread in 1923 Germany (read 5th picture's description).
    Post by: Judge Sunrose, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone