Okies. Let me just check with Plums to see if the thread is eligible for the P&L section. That alright with you?
I accept the challenge! But how do we proceed? .-.
That issue is but a scourge Of the previous forum software. For popularity I've no urge, Though for friends I do care. You often bring me a kind...
You do realize this short film was once very famous and awarded. Didn't you like it? :/
Jibberish, nonsense, and the good kind.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuOvqeABHvQ C:
I might as well join this. Sounds like a fun endeavor to take part in. Username: Judge Sunrose Guardian Nickname: Aimless Treader A silly picture/GIF: Spoiler
I wear (mostly) Sheep Heavenly pins from TWEWY because they are silly -- like me --, and simple -- my second favorite adjective. The sig is a random derp I made on notepad. I change its color to match the season, but I mainly stick to the default blue-white. i liek minimalisuhm
Lawful good. Pretty much in my username, yeah.
That makes two of us ._. I blame fork... Ah, happy birthday, singing lady. Although, I won't wish you a great day. Not only is it almost over, I see you already had your day wonderfully made, all thanks to a group of fellas at some weird site. Wish I'd been a part of it. BUT, I do wish you the greatest of fortunes in your coming year, regardless. :{D
Totally not here just for the pin. Anyway, happy new ye-- nope, actually only want the pin, sorry. While I'm here, though, happy new year, for real.
Gah, I'm horrible at this, being my second try and all, but onto CnC-ing. I'd rather avoid repeating what other members have already stated, although I feel it is necessary anyway. Your progressive lyrical development is quite noticeable. Every time you write a good piece, the following becomes even better. Such is the quality of your art. I see it reflected on others' comments saying that "I like this last one most". Another aspect to point out is your ability to consistently rhyme. Most poets (myself included) tend to eventually take a break from the rigid chains that are rhyme and meter. Not you, though. Don't get me wrong, that's a great thing, mainly because few people can pull it off and still make their work sound fresh like you do. Even so, my personal suggestion is to try out some free verse. It won't hurt you, so give it a shot, if you haven't already. Finally, this can't get any better: Keep topping yourself. If you ever need help on whatever, which I doubt you will, shoot me a holler down at my poetry & lyrics shop. I'll be more than glad to serve you.
Hello there, Oda. And YOU should call me just Judge for short. I see you are also a fan of poetry. I've wrote what few pieces I can call poems,...
Oh, hey, whoops. I didn't quite get the alert when this was posted, my bad! I find it pretty cool too. I change my pin in accordance to the...
It is high time this was fixed.
To my Secret Santa, (ButcherKnifeBetty) I give you this: Spoiler: Merry Christmas! A hand-drawn pony gift wrap! Mind you, those pictures are part of your present, but there will be more. Once the YT video uploads, I'm going to send the rest to you via PM, ok? Hope you like it all :{D
Here's an easy riddle. What's got really weird hair, dresses funny colorful clothes, wears a pair of big-ass shoes, goes from place to place with a travelling circus and swings around a silly object? Hint: it's not Sora.
I'll go for "not at all". My parts are done, all I've gotta do is get home so I can edit and time them, dear.
And I can say the same for Second Evolution.
Not sure how I'd translate mine to any other grade systems, so I'll go with approximated percentages: Writing - 73% History - 73% Geography - 73% Sociology - 82% Grammar - 82% Literature - 82% Philosophy - 82% Chemistry - 82% Physics - 82% Religion - 82% Biology - 82% Optional Foreign Language (Spanish) - 90% And finally, my crown jewel, Math - 95% I did really well, comparatively.