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  1. Ryan Finesse
    Mickey could be played in Kingdom Hearts 2 if you needed help with beating Xaldin....
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Ryan Finesse
    Some person may not have gotten to the scene where Sora and Roxas are battling.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Ryan Finesse
    The lizard man stared at the fight. "Ones an artist, and one's a drunkist. Does that even exist? We don't care, we're just here to enjoy the show! Ist."
    The lizard man took a drink of water, but noticed that it just dropped from the jaw, onto his suit, so he shoved it into his neck to get it into his lizard flesh body.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ryan Finesse
    ooc: It's very difficult to be Xemnas, since he's a hard character to impersonate. You have to have the right answers, and know thats what the dead emotionless leader would say...which is dangright hard.
    "I repeat. Why didn't you show no mercy?" Xemnas asked, his hands moving slowly around, pointing to things, holding his chest, and so forth.
    When Ryxan still didn't respond, he shook his head slowly. "You have three chances. Two are left." He teleported away.

    Ryxan just sat at the table, not saying anything.

    Zalia nodded. "Yes, but I prefer ambush." She continued, and aimed her bow at Axel. "It seems to me, a more easier way, your opponent soon has nowhere to go, and will die out slowly."
    She looked at his arrow. "I pick Axel. Who do you pick?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas closed his eyes, sighing. He portalled away. "Take care of the assasins on the rooftop next to this mess."

    Ryxan bolted upright as the superior appeared in front of him. "Uh...yo!"
    Is he going to have the same impression that everyone else has? It wasn't my fault! Ryxan thought, complaining in his head.

    "Was it you that got the police on the other members?" Xemnas asked, unravelling his hood and staring into Ryxan's eyes. Dead, emotionless eyes to red, piercing, emotion/fear giving eyes.

    "No...superior. It was Demyx that made me fly across the supermarket...those cops thought it was my fault...and so did everyone else..." He said, mumbling and hesitating, trying hard to choose his words correctly.

    "Why were you so weak against the cops?" Xemnas asked.

    Ryxan fell silent, fearing eternity in the space of nothingness, forever being attacked by Dusks.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan punched himself, in the face, not his side of his hand, lightly, but fully.
    "So Marluxia! How bout making this low organization some krapes?"

    Zalia glanced over to the man thinking about murder. "Who were you trained by? A cereal killer?"

    "All of you are a mess. What did the keyblade brat say? Not a very organized organization, was it? Roxas having mood swings, Xigbar and Demyx cowering from authority, Ryxan acting weak, Larxene just playing usual...and Marluxia cooking. I see alot of things you unfit for organization nobodies do, then I say."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ryan Finesse


    I ultra ban all of you from the cutscene archive.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ryan Finesse
    Now Ryxan can't handle a few police men? Xemnas thought. "And why are you all not sensing that two retrievers are about to shoot at you?" He asked Roxas.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ryan Finesse
    "Was your entire life just a scientific experiment on how to kill people?" Zalia questioned. This person's pretty violent..
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ryan Finesse
    I am Saix. Anyone who challenges me, I put on their gravestone "This person made a big mistake."
    Good quiz.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ryan Finesse
    Put his arm in my stomach, and ate it.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Ryan Finesse
    "Whatever it is, I hope it kills." Zalia said, and more chains came out from her palms, which formed into an arrow. "We should get back-up. There are four of them and two of us. It would be much more better if we even the scores of people."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ryan Finesse
    Touche. Welcome to the site, whoever you really are. :D
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Ryan Finesse
    Yes, he did, but he beat Axel not being surprised attacked by a quick manouveur. The firewall wasn't that. That was only for trapping him.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Ryan Finesse
    "Well Axel?" Xemnas said, ignoring Xigbar's run-away. "Who got the police messed up in this..."
    Xigbar ran away, but Xemnas needed him to ask a question. There was a retriever on a roof beside the supermarket, they should be ashamed they haven't detected him...and another person.

    "What is the time?" Zalia responded. "I would help you with that...what kind of substance is that...thing?" She examined the arrow's liquid, behind the hood she wore, her entire self concealed except her boots.
    She slipped out her two arms from under her cape, and out from her palms came chains which connected and morphed into a bow. "So did I. Killing the organization would give me some peace."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ryan Finesse
    ooc: Xemnas thought the Saix thing. Not say. Look again.
    Zalia crossed her arms, but then remembered that her negative/annoyed sign couldn't be seen because of her cape. "I'm checking up on things. The other two officers are making out, because you still didn't come yet. How are things? Did the organization cause that...'disturbance in the peace' I've heard it called? Was that you...or an accident?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ryan Finesse
    In many Roxas's battles, well, the cutscenes, Roxas was only defeated, by, Riku/Ansem, and Sora, because they caught him by surprise. Any other fights, Roxas won them all.
    Thread by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan shrugged, trying to impersonate Demyx and Xigbar.
    Whats one more clown in the organization going to hurt? Ryxan thought.
    "Whatcha making?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas turned to Axel. "And what is the meaning of the police?"
    Saix would need to get them back in order again...he thought. I'm tired of yelling at them to get in a straight line...

    Ryxan portalled to the kitchen. "Hey...Marluxia." He said, trying to ignore any emotion.
    What the hell is happening to him anyway? I could pretend to have different emotions...that would tire me out...he thought, pondering.

    Zalia stood, in the middle of a hallway, and decided to check up on Kexant. She portalled to him, and examined the supermarket. "Was that on purpose what they did or on accident?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ryan Finesse
    Mine will suck.
    8/10 avatar, like it. Signature- 8/10. Really creative.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Playground