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  1. Ryan Finesse
    "Nanananana!! HYUMHYUMHYUM!" Xemnas sang, slamming his head into the table in front of him, then waving his arms like spongebob.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ryan Finesse
    The lizard man stood, taking his mic. "Here it is, fire vs. water! Demyx...and Axel! Take! Your! Places!"
    ooc: I knew it. The lizard man wasn't needed.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ryan Finesse
    "Your still the same. A violent, and crazy bunch of unorganized nobodies. To make sure you would be quiet about this..." He threw the book up, it hung there for a moment, spinning around in 'air time', and Xemnas bowed his head, unleashing his nothingness blades. He whipped around, whisking in fast images, and twirled, and the book, slashed around in so many places with burn marks, fell apart.
    "I am doing this..."
    But it was a fake book. He was keeping track of their emotion's using his master's records...secretly.

    Ryxan yelled out, "NO!" He said, lunging out and sliding across the room, and landed, holding the remain's of the shattered book. He widened his eyes. His position was revealed...he'd be in a hell load of trouble. He portalled away. And ran as fast as he could....anywhere.

    "As I suspected..." He said.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ryan Finesse
    "I didn't ask that question." Ryxan said, tilting his head forward and slipping off his hood. "I am that pathetic Ryan's nobody. "I am here to win what he failed to do..."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas started sleepwalking, sitting in a passenger seat, he pretended to drive. Or..thought he was.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas rolled out of the bed he was sleeping in, with his teddy beat pajamas, night cap, and bunny slippers on, he flew out as Roxas slammed on the break's. Showing everyone what he wore when he went to sleep. Which made a big embarrasement on him...and he was oblivious to it.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas raised his arms, with the book. "Another problem. We are facing an unorganized state because of keeping secret's, pretending to have feeling's, and violence."

    Ryxan stared at the book, hoping to get his hand's on it. What is this fake feeling I'm feeling, then? I hope to ignore it, but I just...can't.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas kept on sleeping, and stopped snoring. His dreams were filled with cops slapping him in the face.
    ooc: It's my turn to be all sleepish.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ryan Finesse
    "Why do you look at the girl?" He said, then walked over to Braxen slowly while he continued, "Are you a flirt? Are you hoping that girl won't get lost?"
    He took a small toy from the tables. "Do you want to kill her?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas stood, and registered everything into his head. So it wasn't Ryxan's fault...he thought. Maybe it was...yes...Ryxan is trying to hide something. Guess it's the time now...
    "Thank you, Demyx."

    Ryxan pondered, kicking some dust on the floor. It really isn't my fault the way he says it...but why did I not just destroy the police? Was it because I didn't want to feel heartless in front of Larxene? Was it because I wanted to act funny in front of the member's?

    Xemnas felt the book 'The complete work's on the heart' in his cloak. Maybe I should take it out right now...
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ryan Finesse
    ooc: me too.
    Xemnas turned over, and reached out his hand to grab the curtain to pull the curtain over his bed. "Nighty night. Have a nice time...snorreeeeee..."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan stood behind Braxen. "Are you like Xeol?" He asked.
    It was a simple question, and he was going to follow up. Curiosity killed the cat. Braxen, does he have an award that help's him get what people lost? An interesting invention.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas floated up, but pretended he was that dude from Mary Poppins. "asfmjhdkjanhkhadf!" He said, and crammed himself in his bed. "Someone take the wheel...I was driving for 72 hours..."

    ooc: awesome you know that game!
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ryan Finesse
  15. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas stood up, letting go of the wheel. He made clones which slapped all of the members.
    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" He screamed, then appeared at the wheel again.
    He looked around. "Ah! The good game now!"
    He slammed into a McDonalds, and the big M crashed onto the road, blocking the police cars. The cars 'polevaulted' across the road, over the rv, and landed onto other cars, spinning upsidedown. "Alleluhia its raining policemen! AMEN!"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ryan Finesse
  17. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan glanced at Demyx. "You keep on bringing that up, like there's something your hiding from the superior..." He took off his hood, and looked at Demyx, with his messed, but neat spiky hair. "Isn't there?"

    Xemnas looked at Demyx, then at Ryxan.
    There's something Ryxan couldn't of told me...and Demyx keep's on changing the subject about... "Indeed. Tell me...the truth...Melodious Nocturne?"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ryan Finesse
  19. Ryan Finesse
    "Silence." Xemnas said slowly. "We are dealing alot of problems now. We have become the these...retrievers." He continued, using his hands in his strange guestures. "But we all know that problem already... also...the emotion's you nobodies are feeling..."

    Ryxan stopped. Sht...he's on my trail...Ryxan thought. He put it in plural, though...means...they're in the same mess too! He slumped back from being so stiff.
    "Well then what's this, some outbreak of disease? We should have a book about it!"
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas saw a taxi cab, and pretended he was a game. "Eeeeenyum!" He said, leaning into the window. "Duh...weeuhweeuhweeuhwee!!!" He screamed, putting on the gas and slamming into the cab. The cab went flying upwards. "Light civic police car immobolized 250 bounty." Xemnas said, moving his head back, closing his eyes. He put Roxas's cellphone to his ear. "All unit's on the pursuit call, a possible code six vehicle is driving on..." He looked at the signs. "Venice... road?"
    He slowed down, and screetched to a halt. The cab fell onto the sign. "Oh well I can't see it now..." He drove on, and in two seconds he reached 200 miles per hour.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home