Oh. Hello, then. How's the time at the someone else's house?
Ryxan kneeled to the ground. More! More training! He started running, jumping, flipping, and his energy bolt's was running out fast... "DAMNIT!" He yelled, the yell echoing all around the castle. Ryxan collapsed. ooc: G2G...cya.
The Xemnas clone was about to choke whoever was behind him, but then the clone dissapeared. The other clone did too. And with one breath of yelling, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTZZZEEERRRAAAAAALLLLLAAAAAALALAAAALAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!" He sneezed, then collapsed, asleep.
Ryxan took off his hood, and scratched his neck. Portalling away, he appeared on the ground's of Castle Oblivion, just inside the barrier of protection. He unfurled out his weapon, an Aztec Club, and whirled it around. Maybe if I train more... He thought, flipping around, slashing in different direction, slamming his Energy bolt's around, And forming it into his weapon. Five more left...he thought.
"No need...!" Ryxan laughed. "He's probably going to drown you in his...power tears!" He punched himself again to not stop being heartless.
And as I said before, Dexnail allowed me to continue in Ryan's footstep's in the competition.
A clone held an aerial blade to Larxene's neck too. He whispered something to Larxene's ear, creepily. "Wouldn't you go crazy if you were driving for 72 hours?" The real Xemnas said, "Not on crack. I was driving for 72 hours. Other people would faint in exhaustion and fatigue...I, on the other hand, go crazy."
Ryxan didn't even look toward Axel, still talking to Braxen. "From the suicidal somebody failure, Ryan. That one guy who now get's me to be a failure in this tournament because of his weakness..."
ooc: Oh gosh, how we need a Saix. Xemnas sighed. "I will find a punishment to suit you on my...'list?'"He said, closing his eye's and teleporting away. Ryxan punched himself from thinking 'I hope they're ok'. He started laughing, forcing himself to be heartless. "Don't they need a phycho-iatrist." He laughed, pointing his thumb at the source of the scream's, where the sound's were coming from.
ooc: Happy Birthday. Xemnas laid back in his chair. I have to think of some punishment... "The 'list' is what you call it? Xigbar, Ryxan, Larxene, and Demyx..." He glanced at Marluxia and Axel. "Anyone else?" I could send them to their death's...but I need a group... Ryxan clenched his arm rest's. What the hell? The other member's call this a list? It's just the people who are in trouble...and I'm on it...shoot.
Xemnas looked up. He portalled to where Demyx was, and held his mouth with an aerial blade to his neck. "I thought we agreed to you only do that when I become crazy....I'm myself now.."
Xemnas glanced at the two member's fighting. First Axel, still Axel, now Ryxan, now Larxene...Demyx...Marluxia...will they ever stop...feeling? "SILENCE!" He called out, but in his slow and quiet manner. "To try to tell you...for the third time...this show, shows it completely." He said slowly, pointing at the two, then holding his head to his chest. "Your 'feeling's' have gotten us nowhere...Ryxan leaving, argument's between the two of you...and Axel...and Marluxia's heartbreak." "Stop feeling. Start planning. And what I mean by Axel's last consequence was the vortex of darkness we sent him to...you died already before he was sent there." Ryxan sat on top of Santa's workshop, hood down. He threw the remain's of the book. It was a fake...he tricked me... He can't kill me though, or send me to that vortex...so I can go there with a brave face... He portalled back in his chair.
Xemnas woke up. How many hour's did I drive until I went insane? He pondered, holding his head. He looked at the pajamas he wore. Dang...they found out...he thought. He levitated up like a corpse from a crypt, except this time it was the ground. Whirling around, he shed his pajamas and underneath was his cloak. He threw the night cap away. Slipping out a prescription, he looked at it and saw that it was empty. There was a note inside, it wrote, You will go crazy in 72 hour's of driving. The antidote: Don't drive for 72 hours. Drive for 71, 59 minutes, 59 seconds and 9 milliseconds. Xemnas nodded. I drove for two minutes over the limit.
"I didn't say that..." Ryxan said. This man makes up answer's for question's I didn't make...how...'annoying'...was it? He thought quickly. "What I'm asking, is if I have a chance to work up to the finals..." The lizard man put away his mic. "What a worthless job," He grumbled. "I'm not even an announcer. I'm just a rhymer. He's the big cheese while I'm moaning please can I have this job!" The lizard man stuffed a waterbottle into his neck. When it was empty, he threw the bottle into a can.
"Indeed." Xemnas said slowly, turning to Axel. He looked at Demyx. "You all need to get your act together....you must stop...'feeling' and start cooperating...or you'll end up on my 'list's' as you call it. Unfortunately..." He continued, holding his arms to his chest. "I cannot send you to your right consequences, as Axel was...." He said this shaking his head slowly. "The correct answer is to not worm out of authority, plans, meeting's..." He looked at the empty Xigbar chair. "Cooperate and not think your own plans..." He said this, looking to Ryxan's chair. "And think of idea's on how to throw the retriever's....back in their holes..."
Ryxan wooshed to the side, to Braxen's other side. "But I didn't participate...My somebody did...I'm his nobody...Where am I standing in the tournament? Do I still have a chance to win?" He asked, examining his gloves.
"MIIIIIISSTTTEERRRR PPPIIIISSSSTTTTTAAAACCCHHHIIIOOO!!!" Xemnas yelled, waking himself up. Since it was bad waking someone up during sleepwalking, he fainted, hitting himself while falling, his head knocking onto a chair, snapping it in half.
Ryxan portalled to where Braxen stood. "Why don't...after the waste-of-a-time-festival, you could perform an Oogie Boogie's hideout?" My somebody lost twice...disgusting...or the judge was the problem... I don't think that I'm able to win even in this competition anymore...
I'll kill Xigbar later...Xemnas thought. And Ryxan. He pointed at the floor. "I don't know how to put this...since I cannot send you to your deaths...we need....all of the member's...cooperation..." Xemnas continued, then pointing to the other spot, where Ryxan dissapeared. "Or you will all face the consequences...if you don't try to wiggle....out of authority...consequences...and meetings..."
Xemnas stood, and closed his eyes. "No. You are not." Xemnas examined the dissapearing portal. Traitor...he thought. I'll deal with him later... But I still have the right book. "The retriever's. Since you made this mess you haven't been on your guard..."