Umm ok sorry,i just thought it to be random.
i don't mean to be rude but why the hell did you send me this?
Like i said i'm un-sure that why i didn't say.Why won't you answer my question....i mean you don't have to but i was just asking.
ohh my bad,i don't see why they would name it as a manga it actually a live show and there is no anime of it.Well anyways i'm sorry for placing it in the wrong place.
I don't find it funny but i'm glad you do.I'm not to sure myself but there are many things i could do.I really don't mean this to be rude and i'm...
Umm you do know that this isn't Anime its a live show so anime and manga won't do,not to be rude.
Actually you STFU and how about you leave others alone....but i will leave you alone but if you continue this crap i won't just stand idly by and...
wow your 16 and acting like this've got a long way to go.Especially if you plan to get somewhere in a matter of fact i...
Hey,i know you don't know me,but your page is soo wicked lol.
Kingdom Hearts may be what your looking for,lol just joking.
I suppose i did,who pissed in your cereal?....In other words why are you such an ASS?,not that i really care.
Overall i can't tell,is Axel a good guy or a bad guy? I mean his actions are good and bad so i can't really tell.The reason i'm asking is because,i have two albums:My Top Ten Bad-Guys,and My Top Ten Good-Guys.Well as you can see from this link i sticked him in with the Bad-Guys,but where should he really go?......Again the question is,is Axel Bad or Good?
Yeah i kind of realized that,thats why i deleted it.
lol i'm just joking,besides i deleted that comment.
I was wonder is there any GOKUSEN fans out here?If so whos your favourite person and why?(this not soo much).Also what do you think they could have changed about the series. My favourite person/student is Sawada.Why hes the cool know like Cloud or Wolverine.Say few words show little emotion,but when needed hes there to help.I don't really think they could/should change anthing about the series...maybe if they re acted it or re-voice it in English,but sub-titles are ok lol.
LOL same here,i thought i was the only one.
Hey,i'm glad to be the first person to Welcome you to the site.So Welcome to the site,read the Rules and Have Fun!!!
I know this may be random....but how are you?