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  1. Raditz
  2. Raditz
  3. Raditz
  4. Raditz


    ohh my bad,i don't see why they would name it as a manga it actually a live show and there is no anime of it.Well anyways i'm sorry for placing it in the wrong place.
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Raditz
  6. Raditz
  7. Raditz
  8. Raditz
  9. Raditz
  10. Raditz


    Kingdom Hearts may be what your looking for,lol just joking.
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Raditz
  12. Raditz
    Overall i can't tell,is Axel a good guy or a bad guy? I mean his actions are good and bad so i can't really tell.The reason i'm asking is because,i have two albums:My Top Ten Bad-Guys,and My Top Ten Good-Guys.Well as you can see from this link i sticked him in with the Bad-Guys,but where should he really go?......Again the question is,is Axel Bad or Good?
    Thread by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Raditz
  14. Raditz
  15. Raditz


    I was wonder is there any GOKUSEN fans out here?If so whos your favourite person and why?(this not soo much).Also what do you think they could have changed about the series.

    My favourite person/student is Sawada.Why hes the cool know like Cloud or Wolverine.Say few words show little emotion,but when needed hes there to help.I don't really think they could/should change anthing about the series...maybe if they re acted it or re-voice it in English,but sub-titles are ok lol.
    Thread by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Raditz


    LOL same here,i thought i was the only one.
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Raditz
  18. Raditz