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  1. Raditz
    Ohh god you do need help lol.
    Profile Post by Raditz for TwoBecomeOne, Dec 21, 2009
  2. Raditz
    Baroness thats good lol.Well if video games count well then......Kitana-Mortal Kombat.If it has to be from a cartoon character well then...Evil Lyn or Teela-He-Man and The Masters of The i the only one who thinks this is wrong?
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Raditz
    Profile Post

    lol your welcome.

    lol your welcome.
    Profile Post by Raditz for Ø Riku, Dec 21, 2009
  4. Raditz
  5. Raditz
  6. Raditz
  7. Raditz
  8. Raditz
    I'm glad to be the first to welcome you,So Welcome to the site,Read the Rules and have Fun!!!.Ohh and don't take things that people say too seriously and you should be ok.Ohh and check your rep i reped you.
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Raditz
  10. Raditz anyone heard this song?For some reason i love it.Keep it simple.EX.Yes i like it or no i don't(not in those exact words if you don't want)Listen to the song and then rate it,unless you already know it lol.

    *EDITED* i'm adding the lyrics and the song.
    Thread by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  11. Raditz
  12. Raditz
  13. Raditz
  14. Raditz
  15. Raditz
    LMAO so how was that popcorn?
    Profile Post by Raditz for La Sofa, Dec 21, 2009
  16. Raditz
  17. Raditz
  18. Raditz
  19. Raditz
  20. Raditz
    Exuess me did you call me and animal you DUMB F*CK...I ACTUALLY TRY TO HELP YOU....and you have the nerve too ARGGHHH....and wtf are you talking about i had a good time last night? with who your mom,cause that all you can get and she didn't like it.
    Post by: Raditz, Dec 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone