lol,i do know you.
wtf omg i miss red your message i'm so sorry lol.OK i feel dumb now lol.There is a person on youtbe with that exact name,thats why i assumed you...
Damn you Santa-Chan lol,i can't beat any of your scores in the arcade.
Dude,i know you lol.Remember i told you you should do a Hades character for mugen.....thats me lol.
Yes I got it..why?
How is that a bad ass comment?lol
Uhh is it true that you were previously Xakota,if so do you have a youtube account under the name of Xakota?
lol nah I think you and Ultima are normal/ok.
Yes I do,I have just about every DBZ game that was made lol.
lol ok good.
lol wow,i wasn't expecting that.Yes i also liked the Bardock one...i've seen all of the movies.
My favourite Saga was the Saiyan Saga,of course.Its the only Saga that had Raditz lol.As for my favourite movie it between The Tree Of...
Blahhh,i don't think thats what he meant lol.
ohh good so we shold be good friends then lol.What was your most favourite Saga?or Movie?
LOL honestly,i thought i was the only one wondering this.
We have to fight again sometime lol.Even if its staged,besides we got soo much ''Viewers''(as you say).I wonder who would join for round two...
Has any one learned how to use Axel or Larxene as the main player yet?
The first one was soo hard i had to heal like every second,The second one was too easy.
The remake was the best thing that ever happened.....i played the gba version and then the ps2,omg PS2 lol.Extra cards and Sleights in the ps2.
Omg Larxene's laugh is the **** lol.I laughed everytime she laughed.