Good work!!! lol
Merry Christmas!!!
lmao wow i was not expecting anything like this.
well I hope you do.
lmao wow that sucks.
I'd would just like to take this time to wish everyone here at KH-Vids Merry Christmas!!!.I hope your christmas day is filled with joy and laughter,I hope you have a pleasent evening and diner(if your having one).So again Merry Christmas to all!!!
Wow,that sounds uhh...good? lol
-hugs back- so any plans for today?
yes i have all of the seasons on dvd and not to mention a **** load of action figures lol.I only now found out about dbz abridged lol.Same to you...
Merry christmas
wow i'm surprised at this lol,well the same to you Merry Christmas!!!
lol wow don't you know that i know you?....ohh you don't remember.
lol,whatever happened to Katie?
Uhh i don't even know what to say to that,i don't recall askinglol.Ohh and thnx for the deathnote lol.
Well I didn't know,I was hoping for something more then a shrug lol
wow thats your only reaction,Nothing really.What about you Amy?
lol aww well.
wow lol,so is there a king?
wtf lol,thats really random.