agreed :D ^^
its nice and salty :3
*ding ding ding* :D
you're colder
you're close and yay!
*shakes head* 11 maybe
nope 12 13
:D i like this forum game 13
if you're talking about me then >.> interesting i estimate......16
i have no idea, your profile says nine but i highly doubt that.
well, i have a mac, so maybe i gots a shortcut.... but all i do is take the web address of the video, for example: then go to and enter in the address and press download, then download the mp4 file. Then i drag the quicktime player file over to my itunes library. and botaboom. :D (i'm not that good at explaining, so hopefully this was helpful)
Points of authority--linkin park
i have that square-shaped mini--or is it nano O.o
i finally found out how to download youtube vids on my ipod!! :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
you got that right that it's simple and pretty :) it seems like it would be perfect for a sig
Wow that's nice :] very rhythmic and smooth. another verse would be nice, too :)
Hai there louisa!! Welcome to kh-v!! Remember to have tons of fun~ and if you ever feel lonely, you can just PM me :D
Well, if we're talking about broadway musicals, then Wicked!! and some others....
Hai there! Welcome to kh-v and remember to enjoy yourself :D if you want to be friends, you can just PM me :}