my name tells my preference.
Yay yay yay!! i just finished breaking dawn!! WOOT ^_________^ but im sad T.T
Hai there S m i l e s <3! im ~Namine_Hearts~ Welcome to kh-v and remember to have fun~~~~ btw i likies your name and sig :D did you draw that? and if you wanna talk/be friends just PM me :]
meh i'll glomp ^^ :glomp:
Bye Kairi9020! we may never have met, but see ya :]
Sanctuary is a lot cooler and different in style :]
I thought is was really nice :) The transitions were good too. Sometimes the music sounded like it was fading in and out though... For your first vid, that seemed overall really awesome :D
hai hai i'll gladly be one of your friends!! kh-v is a great spot to make them, no?
Hai jettie you've seen me before ^^ kh-v is a wonderful place to make friends :D
i like the ending.....creepy and cool =]
j-pop ^^ yeeuh
female....i better be right
ludicrous :] cheese
Bye Vex123! i haven't been to myrtle beach in a while....have fun!
bye NaminElly! i've never seen you before, but have a nice time in spain!!
female....cuz of the fangirl
yush :3 lengthening my message
Yay! i'd like to hear this in some sort of tune someday ;)