I agree. It is very different indeed. I dunno....i kinda like it though :] It doesnt seem like adding anything would do any good....so i think you should keep it the way it is.
i thought i was one of the only people who did that >.>
Dangit.... BOTH but i voted for rock :P
Axel: So you really do remember me this time? I'm so FLATTERED Demyx: Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one... Sora: You gonna cry? Xigbar: Have you been a good boy? Xigbar: You really put organization 13 in a pickle...
Hai there!! Glad you like the site!! ^^ Im ~Namine_Hearts~ and welcome!! if you ever feel lonely know that we can be friends if you like~~~:D
Bye bye for now =]
Oblivion and oathkeeper are sweet :]
Well um, since i cant see the sig, 6.5/10
>> i wanna muffin... yum
umm.....ouch >.<
Hey hey welcome to the site!! if you wanna talk or be friends you can PM me anytime :D btw i like your name :]
Hai there Ashlirox welcome to kh-v and remember to have fun~~ i was a little confused at first too, but you'll figure everything out soon enough :D
Midnight sun is going to be so interesting. and long @.@ i will probably get confused at some points...
agreed. and i think a keyblade would be totally sweet :D
Hey there godblaster welcome to kh-v! Remember to have tons of fun~~ :D
$150,070.... >.>
Hai NamineMoon ^^ welcome to kh-v enjoy making your vids~~ (btw i like your avatar ;)) hey if you ever feel lonely you can pm me :D
Hey that was pretty sweet ;) nice job
Hai there Mr. Roxas! (teehee i like your name) im ~Namine_Hearts~ welcome and remember to have fun~~ :D
Hey there reigi-kun! nice to meet cha. im ~Namine_Hearts~ remember to have fun~~ if you ever feel lonely you can pm me ;)