#.# aaaaaah
i thought it was big mama llama
I'm reading The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong and City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
ok yeah maybe ill add more shading when i get the time x) thanks
hey there water mage! glad you like it here at kh-vids :D it's good to have another demyx fan :p
wow thanks =3 <3 :glomp: domo!
Hey there :D welcome and remember to post lots!!
hai there :glomp:
:D thanks!!!
meh they're ok :\
aaaaaah @_@
Here's a drawing i did of a fairy :D please comment http://novadestiny7.deviantart.com/art/Fairy-97778048
oh im sorry xD i hope it gets better
it's pretty good ^^ not anything interesting XD what about you? and do you have a deviantart account?
yeppers :D
hahaha Duncan and Lindsay xD
Nice job :D i agree nice affects and fades
awesome. i like the howling and what have you done (which reminds me of Bring me to life by evanescence) these are my favorites from linkin park:...
same! linkin park is so clever. mixin up rock n rap n stuff. inspirational :) i also got into Within Temptation, and i got all these random...
ok right now ^^ nothing really happenin ive gotten into some new music :)