awesome *hands you basket of cookies* :3
good thanks ^^ so who's your favorite character from kh??? :D
hai welcome to kh-v! hope you'll enjoy it here :D there are plenty of FF fans around...and it's easy to make friends!! =]
hey there how u doin
hey Exodus welcome to kh-v! dont worry about making friends just stay in the forum :D btw ill definitely be ur friend :]
hai there welcome welcome!!! (even though it seems you've been here a while xD) :D post lots and if you wanna be friends you can pm me :3
love the song! evanescence rocks!!! <3
something about cocoa puffs i dont like....maybe the aftertaste? i prefer cocoa pebbles :3
heya welcome welcome :]
Hai there! love the luigi sig x3 your avvi is cute too. remember to post lots and have fun!! :D
Hai there!! glad you like kh! you've come to the right place :D
Hai there ~NamineSanctuary~! lik ur name btw :D post lots and have fun <3
yay cookies!!!! *nom noms cookies* =3
thanks!!! :glomp:
wow lucky! have fun~~
Hey axel90! welcome to kh-v! remember to post lots and have fun~~ also, if you wanna talk or be friends you can just pm me :D
i only like him cuz he healz me and i like his commands, like duck flare. they can do some damage. other wise he is so flippin annoying -.-
ah i miss that game
i have a few blond strips in my hair =3 and im black