omg i remember that show! xD the first time i heard the name im just like wth, and i always lold when they were like "Coming up next, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo" Did that show have a themesong?
haha like ur name
good so far :)
yaaaaaay! :woohoo:
*sings* hey hater bye hater woohoo i love rap
roundhouse kick.
yo wazzap? :D
hai there tai! welcome to kh-v! btw i <3 lucky star!! 8D remember to post lots and stay in the forum x) hope not everyone has seen this
VAULT and RED BULL:D and silly old gatorade...
lawlz XD that can be useful though
I'm sure this has been used a ton: All our RUM is gone
hai there welcome :D
yep! remember to post a lot and spam only in the spamzone. and it's really easy to make friends if you stay in the forum ;) read the rules and if you have any questions you should ask a mod or admin :]
i liked it yep =) love the way you related the clips to each other <3 i hope that sounded right..
no problem ^^
yeppers ;)
i dont really have a fav but i guess riku =3
hey ther welcome to kh-v! post lots :D
i commented on dA :D