Tifa- *sees Terra* Kairi- O.O Tifa- Er. . . o.O
:/8D: lolwut
Tifa and Kairi- *looking for Marluxia*
*coughheartlesscough* xD
Tifa- Damn, wheres Marluxia? Kairi- Atleast she doesnt ignore us. :.-.:
Well, thats cuz your not a girl xD
Tifa- Terra! ^_^
Oyea. lawl. Im crying xD Movie was just, ohmegawd. 8D
Wait wha? Oops read it wrong. Silly me 8D
Yup, couldnt have any one better :D Hey by any chance did you reply to NW?
Yea, my dads really supportive.
Uhm, well. Hmm, eat it? xD
Tifa- Uhm, thats weird. Kairi- Well, who cares. *jumps on Tifas back* Tifa- *laughs* You really dont like being on the ground. Kairi- Heheh, nope.
yea, I figured. It was pretty bad.
Kairi- Just say it. *jumps on Roxas back* ^_^
Its a movie and yea. Its also worse cuz ive been through it. Considering suicide and crap. . .
Kairi- Tell us!!
Wait wha??
Kairi- Cuz you guys would be cute
Oh, Im watching Cyberbully on ABCfamily. OMFG its really sad :(