don't worry, this place is fun, we got almost everything here, from Roleplaying, Fan fictions, Poetry, Disscusions, and of course, The Spam Zone! Don't just read the rules, follow them too! :) If you need a freind, or someone to show you around the Role Playing arena, just Private Message me, 9kairi9hearts, (you can call me 99)
I could help you with a few things, if you need help, (I don't know too much about tutorials, I actualy took formal classes to use that and a bunch of other editing software)
OOC: Okay, yes, I would like that. (I think I may be over-extending myself just a little bit, I'm in a lot of RPs, so I may have to pull out of this one later, so if you don't want me to join, then that will be fine by me)
Zexion looked up, "yeah, we will 'dispose of this food' by eating it!," he said, saying dispose of this food in a robotic voice, before he bit into his hotdog. Namine looked over at Roxas and Axel, her two new freinds, she noticed that she had cheese on her chin, which she wiped off.
OOC: so now we just have to wait for Sora117 to fix her weapons, and we can start.
OOC: can I please have Sora, Namine, and Kairi, (seeing as no-one has taken them, and it is kind-of hard to sleep through a dragon attack, especialy when they have been sleeping all day long?) BIC: Mark looked around, "well, welcome to ruins town," he said. Roxas laughed, then noticed something on the horizon, "hey, what the Kingdom Hearts is that?" he asked, pointing. Riku looked at the gigantic humming-bird like monster, "I've got no clue," he said.
Larxene pulled the spagetii bowl off her head, "I'm gonna go get cleaned up, and into more apropriate clothes," she said, teleporting out of the room. Zexion shouted, "yay! Food!" and pulled a Hot dog and a bag of nacho cheese doritos onto his plate. Namine got a slice of cheese pizza and a capri sun, "evewy one eat now," she said, eating some of her pizza.
OOC: I think that I'd like to join, but do you have to have played final fantasy in order to play this? (Cause the only thing I know about final fantasy is that it's final, and it is a fantasy, and Leon, Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie came from it, Sepiroth too) so If I don't need to know a whole lot about final fantasy, then I'd like to have capt. Sparrow and Clayton the hunter.
Mark grinned, "exactaly why it is a 'surprise finaly' we don't need tons of people to set it up, we just need a fire dragon, a rider with fire-resistant clothes, which I have, a box of fireworks, and five supple tree branches," he said.
Jenifer grinned, "and that was next on my plan, and after we capture him, we send a peice of his body to the head of the military, with a note saying, you are next, but really, once most of the military might goes into protecting him, we go and kill the head of another branch of the military, and while the human armies are confused as ants in an hourglass, we do as much damage as possible, it's briliant, I know," she said.
Namine just added that fact to the drawing, without talking, she was too embarassed to be right next to Roxas if she wanted to talk. The drawing was finished, and it flashed. Namine was sitting next to Roxas, a huge feast of junk food in front of them, on a table with everyone sitting around it, Larxene was again in her elf costume, now with spagetii on her head, Rita was back in her normal clothes, Xemnas was in his 'sandy claws' outfit, Lexaeus was at the head of the table, no longer in the raindeer costume.
A stealth plane silently flew by overhead, on autopilot mode, as the form of Joshua jumped out of it, a black figure in the black sky, he began to transform. His neck became longer, his head moved into a more triangular shape, his arms and legs began to get longer and thicker, as scaly wings and a tail took shape, soon, there was a purple and black dragon with an orange military insignia made out of orange scales on each wing. It had glowing red eyes, a barbed tail, black spikes ran up the length of it's spine. Two horns protruded from it's head, curled and black, and deadly sharp. Joshua flew down towards the base, noticing that a battle was already taking place. He flew strait for church, his spiked tail lashing his acuracy at the light warrior. Neco and Furtim were attacking eachother with all of their fury.
OOC: you are accepted, I just need to double-check with Cyote Starrk that it is okay. (no bonus points for you! you didn't find the finaly peice of information that is really hard to find XD) OOC: okay, as long as you can figure out the first two things you have to do, (I'd recomend reading the rules and the list) OOC: both of these are accepted, and would you mind it if Aura's character was aprenticed to your knight?
yeah, no kidding
I'm going to bed pretty quick here, so bye, see ya tommorow.
OOC: and Luxord can join now too, it's an office XIII party! BIC: Vexen grinned, "you can guard the flag, I had deemed it unneccasary, but... well, now you're here," he said. Larxene grinned, "and there was the fault in your plan," she said. OOC: I got to go now, so It didn't have all my people in it.
hi, watsup?
OOC: Sinder had a mood swing, tried to destroy Twilight town, Riku, Roxas, Mark, Rita, and Blade managed to wound her, and she calmed down, while a new player to the feild, the nobody, Xara, and her pet, the freindly heartless, (AKA: FH) came in, trying to figure out why they heard a monster roar (Sinder), Meanwhile... Etain and her brother are having a yougioh card duel, Etain was temporarily healed of the dark matter, before it came back to take her over again, she is now going to try an infect Heru. (she also played a monster that is quote "large enough to be seen easily from twilight town") I don't know much about the game, so if anyone else knows, they could probably give better details on the match.
A couple of Samuraii nobodies appeared, and ran alongside Roxas's battle group. Zexion summoned several of his Shade nobodies, wich took defensive posstions in the alleway. Lexaeus summoned his Tomahawk, while still keeping up the speed of his run. Deymx summoned five dancer nobodies, two of wich took up positions next to the flag, three others appeared at the base of the skyscraper. Vexen nodded exitedly, "okay, so Larxene and Saiix would take the regular route, each with all of their nobody servants with them, two of each of our nobodies will accompany them," he said, "while Xaldin uses his lance dragon to take me, Axel, and Xemnas down the side of the castle, they will never see it comming!" Larxene looked at him, "and what happens if you fall?" she asked, "and I'm not too keen on being used as bait." Saiix just looked, "I'd be fine with it," he said.
Larxene nodded, "I got one trapped in a baby costume, without access to her powers, and a pacifire stuck in her mouth, this is gonna get interesting," she said. Namine forced a laugh, "y-yeah, I-I guess I did," she said, starting to really laugh.