hey, just letting you know, you are accepted into the RP if you change your weapons to something that is actualy a keyblade, (we are going to...
Mark looked at Xara, "hey, where you going?" he asked, bringing her to the attention of the group. Riku nodded, "yeah, us uninfected need to stick together, you know?" he said.
OOC: that was but a clue to the next, total, copyright stealing, moment that will come up, (and it will tell you things about Red vs blue that no one but me has ever known before)
Nick looked at Mya, "a skilled enough Hawkins can fly low to avoid thunder arcs, I've done it before," he said. Jenifer sighed, "and that was one rough ride," she said.
OOC: thank you XXXLatiasXXX, for letting me have those characters. BIC: Ten minutes ago, (durring the dragon attack) Sora awoke to the sound of a dragon roaring, and sat up in bed, to see that Roxas and Riku's beds were empty, and the window was open. Sora raced to the window, looking out it to see Sinder in Dragon form, rampaging around twilight town, "what the Xehanort?!" he exlaimed. Meanwhile... Kairi and Namine also woke up, around the time that Sora uttered the horrible aprentice's name, to the sound of a dragon burning the town. Kairi summoned her keyblade, and was about to leap out the window when Namine spoke up, "you're not going out like that, are you?" she asked. Kairi looked down at the night gown she was wearing, one slash to the straps holding it up and... I don't want to think about that, she thought, as she and Namine rushed to change into more appropriate clothes. Right now: Sora, Kairi, and Namine, now all dressed in clothes appropriate for battle, ran over to Roxas, Mark, Riku, and everyone else that was still by the scene of the fight. Riku looked up, "what took you so long, Roxas, me, and the new guy had to help fight a dragon!" he said. "It's not our fault that we slept in," Kairi said. "Oh yeah? You guys stayed up until 3 in the dawn!" Roxas exclaimed. "You would've too if you didn't eat all that turkey last night!" Namine said. Sora looked at Mark, "a new guy, huh?" he asked Riku. "Yeah, he helped us against that dragon, you should see the guy using his keyblades with a dual firega," Riku said. Mark shook his head, "one of thoose was a firegun," he said laughing. Pretty soon, the group of six was all introduced to Mark, and in Mark's case, introduced to the group.
OOC: now that is where things get interesting, who here can Imagine what the heck Xigbar looked at age 6? Or Vexen for that matter, they are like, the two oldest-looking org members, this is where your idea gets complicated, Hellkitten. (please note, that I may or may not have one of my characters make fun of Xigg's scar, it is a natural reaction to something different, especialy in children.)
The attack simply bounced off of Joshua's hard scales, as he turned his neck, and blasted Church with intense fire. "I want revenge on you for wounding me," the dragon roared in a deep, earth-shaking voice. Furtim leapt back, red slashes were on his white jumpsuit, spots where Neco's attacks had avoided his defense. Tendrils of darkness appeared out of the ground, Furtim tried to slash them with his sword, as his light powers were exhausted, but the tendirls wrapped around the blade, ripping it from Furtim's hand. Neco walked forwards, laughing a deep, evil laugh. Furtim drew his pistol, and tried to fire at Neco, but the darkness just ripped the gun from his hands as well. Darkness wrapped around Furtim's legs, as he pulled out his knife, and threw it. Neco stopped the knife with a portal of darkness, which swallowed it up. The tendrils of darkness swarmed around Furtim, binding him at the arms and legs. "So, any last words, brother?" Neco sneered, an orb of dark energy was growing in his hand. The only part of Furtim's face that was visible under the hood was his mouth and chin, which were grinning, "Bow chicka wow wow," he said. Neco raised up his arm, "so be it," he said, and released the orb of darkness, which shot out into a beam of pure dark energy, ten feet in diameter. When the darkness faded away, all that hung in the grasp of the dark tendrils was an empty white jumpsuit, darkness leaking out of the holes in it, as well as a new hole that had formed, a large round hole in the chest, that cut through the suit on the front and the back.
Discaimer: I do not mean to offend anyone by this, it is only my veiws on the subject. My veiw on god. God is a supernatural being that human minds could never hope to understand. God has no real physical embodiment here in our universe, yet somehow can edit the way things happen here. I personaly belive that there is only one of god, but that this one god can be doing an infinite number of things at once. I belive that this god fules reality through many things. But god cannot be proven, for he can't be measured, because he doesn't physicaly exist in our universe. If you think about the different laws of physics, the different natural forces. There seems to be no reason why gravity exists, why things that have no physical or energy contact seem to always attract eachother. I belive that Gravity is god. If you look at the structure of an atom, the atom itself is matter, it takes up volume and it has mass, but if you take the different peices of an atom apart, then they are not matter, they are missing volume or mass. And the energy holding them together, postive attracting negative, why does that happen, if positive didn't atrract negative, then the entire universe would not have one bit of matter in it. That, I belive, is god. There are many more things that I could do this with, if I had more time to look at things like this, but there are plenty of inconsitencies in our universe, I belive that what keeps things like gravity, inertia, and opposites attracting working is god. Here is a little thing that is related to this subject, it is about how our minds work, it is a very simple test, all you need to do is show the first spoiler, look at it for only three seconds, then show the next spoiler, after that, the third spoiler will explain what happened, don't show the third one before the first and second ones, it will ruin the test. (this test will work on anyone exept for children, if you are old enough to be on this site, then it will probably work for you) Spoiler F _ _ K S _ _ T A _ S Spoiler F O R K S A L T A B S Spoiler Now what did you see in the first spoiler? I'm guessing that most, if not all, of you saw vulgar words. When in reality, what was hidding behind those underscores were perfectly normal words, (and often used ones at that) Forks, if you don't know what one is, are commonly used eating utensils. Salt is an extreamly common seasoning, present in almost all meals. Abs is a common term for the muscles in your abdominal region, I am sure that all of you have seen at least one commercial where a fittness machine of some sort is supposed to be great for your 'abs' All of these things are commonly used words, but everyone who knows what the vulgar words are, will most likely see them in this test. (this test was in a slide-show at my church, everyone in the church service had the same result on the test, even the pastor) You can use this test on almost anyone, exept for young children who don't know the words implied above, in any enviroment, a comfortable home, a doctors office, a church, your school, that will not change your results on this test, (though, you can't take it again, as it won't work if you are expecting it)
Where Is It? In many places Can You Touch It? yes, (see where can you go to see it) Can You See It? yes Is it A Physical Object? Yes, every single peice of the internet is it's own physical object Where can you go to see it? In many places actually, The internet is formed from massive numbers of computers, all linking together to form the greater picture, There are facilities where there are just massive numbers of computers, where they are stacked like sardeens, in order to form large amounts of the internet servers that we are using at this moment. Who Owens It? Many people do, anyone who has a computer contributing to the internet owns a part of it, (example: you make a website, that website can either be based from your computer, or somewhere else, if it is on your computer, then you own a part of the internet.) I mean-Other that WiFi and InfaRed and stuff-What is the Internet,Where is The Internet,Is It Really There? see previous answers.
mandy you"re back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, you see, he walked through a reality-bending machine on his seventeenth b-day, and it split him into seventeen peices, all of which had one of his years. :P
Don't worry, I will get Chuck Norris to help me destroy you!
Brusheezy is awsome, no? I go there all the time to get brushes and textures.
The underdogs always win, so here comes 10! (cause they have me!)
I shall defeat you, for I have the power of Kingdom Hearts itself!
can I join?
Mark's grin on his face showed the answer, "it would be impossible that they didn't," he said, before whistling loudly. Hwaje cocked his head to the side, and that'll be Mark, I wonder what he wants? he said to Shia, before taking off into the sky.
Namine started crying too, "s-sa-sandy c-cl-claws d-don't like my p-pic-pictuwes!" she wailed. Larxene covered her ears, the crying was starting to give her a bad migrane,"by all that is Kingdom Hearts!" Zexion looked at the burnt up bag of nacho cheese doritos in his hands, "no- NOOO!" he shouted in rage, he didn't cry, a seven year old is too big to cry, he thought, as his Lexicon appeared in his childish hands. Illusion energy swirled around Zexion, then blasted into Xemnas, who would percive himself to be standing on top of the castle that never was, with kingdom hearts just a little more than an arm's reach away.
Namine laughed, "you awre welcome," she said, taking a sip from her capri sun. Zexion opened the bag of nacho cheese doritos, and ate a few, "hey, meanie clause, why can't you eat these?" he asked, holding up the bag. Larxene teleported back into the room, she had just taken a shower, her hair was still wet from it, and she was dressed in an organization coat again, she sat down next to Xemnas, trying her best to ignore all the chaos in the room.
I feel that way too, but there are still new members every day. Well, I never got to talk with you, but it still somehow makes me sad when a member leaves, even if I didn't know them, it may not be the same KHV that you joined to, but I doubt it will actualy die off anytime soon, and remember, you, (or anyone else that leaves for that matter) will always be welcome here, if you ever want to come back.