Genservant shook his head, "I'm not like them, I'm not sure exactaly what I am, but I know that I'm nothing like them, for all that they have been through, they can still remember everything that happened to them." As he said this, he pulled out his dog-tag necklace, and read it again, Gen Servant.
Black's left, clawed hand snapped out with incredible speed, clamping down on the shaft of Mya's keyblade, dark fire spread from Black's hand, and flew up the length of Mya's keyblade, "I don't need pretty alive, I need heart," he said, his keyblade striking out at Mya's other Keyblade. Sora, Mickey, and Leon were all thrown to the ground by the attack. Pondera thrust her left arm out, so instead of Fade's claws hitting her stomach, they stabbed into her palm. Riku fell to the ground, unconsious, while Cloud too lost consiousness. Two voices rang out, "SORA!" they shouted, a round sheild flew at Serin's tornado, but was whipped away by the force, and instead flew strait at Sepiroth's face. A white duck in blue cothes ran out, and quickly cured Sora, King Mickey, and Leon.
Congrats, Fayt, Wait, when did Juciy resign?
Sora extinguished the flames with a blizzard spell, while Leon and Mickey attacked Serin again, Leon with a downward strike, and Mickey with a sideways slash. Pondera blocked the keyblade strike with her own keyblade. Riku shot a fury of dark aura attacks at Sepiroth, Cloud leapt at him from the other side, swinging his large sword at Sepiroth's back. Black swung his keyblade like a club at Mya, "Black keep this one, this one pretty," Black said, his mouth oozing dark slime. A rythmic, loud, booming noise shook the marketplace, and the volume grew with every boom, like something big was getting closer.
it is sickening, the way people just don't care about people. If everyone cared, then it would be a much better world, as for if it is possible. Yes, anything is possible. But I do not belive that this is probable, it is an animal instinct to protect yourself, and it is hard to overcome animal instincts.
I belive that the widespread belief of power is the ability to change the way the world around you works, but I belive that true power is in fact, self control, to know you can do something, but to not do it.
Malum bent his arm around his back, swinging his keyblade to block the attack, and pointed at Pondera, "Fade, take care of that one!" Then he pointed at Mya, "Black, destroy her," he said, as he charged towards Eventus. Black materialized behind Mya, a shockwave of energy heading strait for her.
Let's see here, the finnish alphabet: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s š t u v w x y z ž Ã¥ ä ö And a clue said that we need to think backwards, and that T=10 So... a 30 b 29 c 28 d 27 e 26 f 25 g 24 h 23 i 22 j 21 k 20 l 19 m 18 n 17 o 16 p 15 q 14 r 13 s 12 š 11 t 10 u 9 v 8 w 7 x 6 y 5 z 4 ž 3 Ã¥ 2 ä 1 ö 0 and if we match that code up with these: 18231017232711 1111111 12112513 1111 : M H T N H D š š š š ä S š F R š š then it makes no sense. Maybe try putting the code in backwards? EDIT: as for Death is French, maybe it means that the Kira is french? EDIT: Less likely, but I googled the french word for death, it is either Mort or La mort, not sure if that helps or not.
Cloud fell forwards, a large cut on his back, but Riku quickly cast Cure on him. Mickey jumped and stabbed at Serin.
Malum's keyblade came up, and blocked the blow, while Eventus was blown backwards by a beam of darkness that left Malum's hand.
Malum deftly caught the keyblade, and threw it like a Javelin at Eventus, who was rushing him.
Malum shot a blast of Darkness at Mya, while Black plunged his clawed hand into Sid's chest, removing his heart, and absorbing it as he had done to Aerith's. Sid's body fadded away in a flash of golden light.
I would have to say either Xigbar, Luxord, Saiix, or final Xemnas (I could never get the hang of the card chalenge things Luxord did, I hated the fact that Xigbar did all those things with his portals, Saiix cause' he was just plain anoying, and Xemnas because I didn't figure out how to play as Riku fast enough, and I didn't realize I was supposed to use the X button as well as the triangle in his laser-shooting rampage)
Malum blocked by forming a wall of darkness, which exploded towards Mya once it had blocked the attack. Eventus tried to run past Malum, to get to Black, but Malum stopped him with a swipe from his keyblade, Eventus barely blocked it, and when he did, the blow sent him reeling backwards.
OOC: I'm quitting this RP, someone can take Mark, or you guys can kill him, or just forget him, I don't want to do this RP anymore.
Eventus charged out into the area, right as Black chased down the room, after Sid. Malum stood in the way of pursuit from Eventus or Mya, Keyblade drawn.
Malum heard the keybladers teleport to the computer room, and he snapped his fingers, "Black, Fade!" he shouted. A shadow rose out of the ground near Malum, it was black. Eventus heard Malum's shout, and pointed to the stairs leading down to the long room, "that way!" he said. Cloud fell back from Sepiroth, but Riku jumped in and kept the attacks comming. Sora cast Areo, which caused the wind blade headed for them transform into a protective air sheild around each of them instead, while he, Leon, and Mickey charged at Serin from three seperate directions.
I went to church, where we heard about our latest missionary trip, it was pretty awsome by the sound of it, (my freinds say Guatemala rocked!) Then we had a pool party at my pool, (it also rocked!)
And Terry Nirv will be toast, while I reserve the awsome title of french toast for my friend, who is french, (he doesn't have an acount on here :( ) we call him frenchie!
I would have laughed, if I had emotions. (and I will be pancakes)