Mickey sighed heavily I told him....never mind...I'll be there in 10 minutes..." "Im not drunk!" "Oh so sober people fall into pudles now?"
"Yeah only cos you threaten to beat me."
River strained against his father's hold,ripping his t-shirt in the process,Mickey dumped him in one of the kitchen chair,River rubbed his neck
"This is your fault!"he spat "Afre you....ahah...just gonna sit there?"Danny said trying not to laugh "Oh ha ha...this is so f*cking funny." "Hello?"Mickey said answering the phone
He grinned "If e had a tail it would be wagging."
should've known..."He muttered going over,pulling a shocked looking River out by the scruff of the neck "No! dad! dont!"
He nodded "Ocean...I swear to god...If you dont-"He manage to twist of her grip,only to trip over his feet and land in a masive pudle with a huge splash
"Ok..."he said quietly she laughed
"She will kill me and not think twice about it...."he said diving in the couboard. Mickey opened their door "where is he?"he sighed
"Knew this would happen anway way..how're you getting home?" "Ocean...stop pulling!"
"Be good." "we love you." The twins stood on the side walk,Felica close to her brother ooc-your in btw
"Neva!"River cried "Please...please if theres a god...Mum and dad will come in and say after almost 30 years that there was a mix up at the hospital and they got the wrong baby!"
"Uh....River's not here at the moment...please leave a message after the beep!"he called back,looking for the best hiding stop in the room Is he still high or drunk or what?"Esmya asked Aj snickered "Trying to be funny and hide more like."
"No....Ocean! Im fine! Me and Danny always do that! I dont wanna go home!" "River...if you stay...your just gonna get more trashed...throw up...and your parents will go mental...they might do anyway.."
what do you expect? she's my sister, want me to be all ' Oh no...come on into our lives...weforgive your for ripping her heart out and stepping all over it!'"he rolled his eyes at th exact same time Elena rolled hers
"Yeah...I know,....Im just not right at this moment....will be staving later though but still...."he shrugged,"Rather just curl up here and go back to sle-" "RIVER MICHAEL HUNTER MALFOY,YOU GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" River jumped about afoot in the air,"aw....fu-....guess Dad told Grandma.."
"Ow River!"Danny said picking himself up "For someone tall and lanky...you weigh a ton."he winced River grinned from the floor "I think I cracked a rib!" "Cadey rolled her eyes
Thanks ^^...
"Yeah...we have the pleasure of Elena's d!ck of an ex-boyfriend and his family."
"This may suprise you....but Im not hungry..."