"Yeaah..."he said
"Thats called having a good time Ocean...."he said as if she where stupid..."wait what wall? I didnt walk into a wall did i?"
Aj gave the keys to his uncle That it?"River asked"Cos I wanna go back to bed."
"who said I was making a arse of myself?" "Kinda did River."
"The helmet would hide that..."
"My body...I know..."He muttered into his hand "Enough....River...your not aloud out the house alone or with Aj."Mickey said"so...gimme your car keys." "I still have them..."Aj said when River looked worried
"Yeah well...your...."he thought for a minute "a goody-toe-shoes."
"Come work with me..." "River....you're a part time fire fighter,which is what you always wanted to do.... you've never finished the course and you work with Dad at the weekends as a grease monkey in a garage..."
" I know what I can and cant handle Ocean.....I know my limits..."
"Thought wrong then didn'cha?"
He grinned "You getting your own place Jake?" ooc-when do you wanna do it?"
"No...Never taken steroids in my life so not good for you..." "But other drugs are?"
"No sh*t sherlock...I thought you were meant to be smart?"
"where's aunt Immy?" ooc-I had this idea that Blaise gets Raye and Adam and Danny tells Elena and thats how Adam finds out about the imprint and then when the Culen's show up someone sets fire to the feild and they find out that It was Zack,who's helping blaise so he can live.
"So?"he snapped narrowing his eyes
Once he'd said bye he headed over to the drawer with the car keys
"Animal abuse."he grinned "shocking..."
He shrugged "I dunno....Im not some sort of doctor or something..." "and what made you want to get high?" "Curiosity."
"No problem honey" River pulled himself up,pushing his hair out of his face "Aw...River Your Ass is all mud.." "Great...my good jeans..."
"River.."she sighed "whats wrong with you?" "Other than the fact your mentally challenged?" "Esmya..," "whats wrong with me today or just in general?"