"alright....could the uh...light angel's follow Hayden"he gestured towards his daughter"and the dark angels follow me?"
"what....Heath...you cant-...we've.....never been apart!"
Heath picked up his own cup along with his sister's,drank a little the spat it out...red? Greeat...the only dark angel since Zack in the family....maybe- "Light"his sister said -Maybe not "Dark"he muttered
she gasped "Grandpa!"Felica started towards him,but stopped herself,she was too old to do thing like that Heath rolled his eyes "Can everybody hear me? if you cant...move closer cos Im not speaking any louder."he said with a grin "as you all know your here because your half breeds with uncontrolabl powers....powers that need to be put in the right places...so there is a way to find out if you belong with the 'dark' angels or the 'light'...to your left you will see a cup with your name on it...inside is a special liquide with you DNA in it...drink a drop...take a empty cup and spit it back out...if it turns red...your a dark angel....gold..your a light angel.."
"Right Newbies gather round!" Toby called,his once blonde hair was now turning silver and he wasnt as thin as he once was
ooc-do you want Toby to do it?
"Im going inside Heath."
"Exactly...only half."
"Our parents didnt explain...they just told us what we were....or half of what we were."
Grandpa and Aunt...."
"Heath and thats my sister Felica..."he said
"Heath....what're we gonna do?" "He shrugged
not bad yourself?
River snarled,getting up from his seat "Easy...easy..."He said "Just came to tell you that Elena's friends are in a spot of trouble....Blaise has them..." Elena went white....whiter than the vampire in front of her "what?"
"Yes...my mother has decided to visit to see if Cory's ok...meaning she just wants to know whats happening..."
he rolled his eyes Mickey pulled up at the kerb,he didnt look to happy
"Cool...Ill let my supervisor know..." ooc-its ok ^^ " Knock knock"Danny grinned
"Remarkable is the word you want Sis." "No you cant go back to bed because we have people coming over to see us..."
"Yeah well....I probably didnt...probably just drank a shot or something.."
Yeah Iknow ^^