Is this....divide going to change things now? will I be the same with my bother is he's supposed to be evil? how can they be?" she sighed heavily sitting on the wall,she could only hope she had some classes with her brother,otherwise she'd be completly alone,she noticed another group of people,not too far way ----------------------------------------------------------- The class was beging to start,most of the kids seemed to be there already,quiet a few teachers were up the front,why was that? ad whre was Heath? he wasnt going to b lat surely....
Ill make it when I have more time lol ill be going off soon so ill just post in the rp
He nodded..
Sure...Ill post in a minute just thought of a squel to the battle of the angels rp ^^
"Thats way more confusing than most half-breeds,most are dumped on a orphange door step or killed or...have their family torn apart..."h went quiet at the last part
yeah...but what teacher?
might just start a class? one where they're altogther? talking about the fall of the angels and the divide between light and dark?
He lead her into th forest untill they reached a ditch,then he helped her down"How come your a Half-breed and shes not?"
anything you wanna do in this thread?
Your sister By the way...Total Nutjob....a fruitloop."he said taking her hand and leading her away
"Come with me,I can get you healed."
He turned to Iris"Are you ok?"
He glanced at the man
Innes snarled,quickly pulling Iris away from her
Okies .....
Ah right lol okies
"Another one?"he hissed
I dont actually know what thats for lol so you can if you want
"Not involved in your pointless war....only trying to find my parents and get free."