No her little boy is named after him ^^ hang on and ill fix it
I saw you talking about making a family tree and I think its a good idea ^^ so heres mine. Toby --- Amy = Forrest and Hayden Forrest --- Harley = Heath and Felica Hayden --- Daniel 'Storm' = Unborn Baby boy Zack Snr --- Unknown Human = Frankie Frankie ---- Unknown Angel = Zack Jnr
"Thats unlikely,like Sorcha said,for every Light angel...there is a dark...but if the case is you happen to fall alone then to get back up you must get someone of holy importance to agree to be your sacrifice.."
"I have friends"he said shifting his weight from foot to foot" You just dont know them."
Toby glared at her,"Your not here to fight with your son, Sorcha."he said,turning back to the teenagers he added "It....hurts to fall right? well think of falling down when you were cried right? but you got over it. Falling from heaven is something you never get over....when you fall...its like your soul if being taken from burns ....but its not something I've regretted once in my life." "Is there a way to get back in heaven?"Heath asked "Yes."Toby said "though most angels would never dream of must kill the child of the angel you fell with..."
He looked back at his friend" That girly is.....a friend of mine...she wanted to see the old school, meet all my old 'friends' y'know?"
ooc-sorry she the same age as Hayden? Zack glanced over,a smile spread over his face as he made his way over,"Well well well...look at you two...all grown up I see."
Zack turned the music off,stepping out the car,he turned and locked it,a girl got out after him
The shiny,clearly new,black sports car sped into the parking lot,as if the driver where in a race,musc blaring out of the open windows
"Grandpa-"she blushed "whats it to fall?"
"Think anyone will remeber us?" "Maybe.."Toby said tugging her inside
"A few I'd Imagine...she cant be the only one."
ooc-um...your in...but next time can you wait to be accepted?
"And you pure breed vampire's are greedy, so far up yourselves...and dead"he snarled,his half-breed DNA allowing him to change into awerewolf,even in daylight,he charged at the man
"Her name's Amy, full name Ameilia."
A loud animal like snarl ripped from between his teeth
" Ameilia stop being so nosy...come on.."
Amy cocked her head to the side"Think everythings ok?" "No one's calling anyone nasty yeah."He said pulling his jacket out of the back of the car
He bared his teeth,fangs extending"Yeah I do."
"Mongrel?!"he spat