He was in the one about the fears, His name is Daniel Storm,so he can get called either
"Um...Im Daniel...we met when we were younger,You might remeber my last name? Storm."
Ummm...well Granddad possibly... And maybe...a flying class with them altogther since learning how to use their wings doesnt really matter which side they're on?
Hayden made a face when Sorcha spoke,"witch"she muttered Toby glared at her"You should learn not to threaten people." The door flew open,and a tall blonde haired man stepped into the hall,his green eyes imediatly landed on Hayden,who squeaked slightly in delight,and took off towards him,almost tackling him with a hug."Whoa...room full of Kids Hay,Nows not the time for this.." "You came though!"
Yeah sure ^^
Yeah thats fine ^^ Im gonna add Storm into this rp now,as a dark angels teacher
he glared at her,then his muscles relaxed
He bared his teeth
He'd changed back "Ow....an you get off me?"
"Fallen angels will do anything to get back up if they're desperate enough...including acts that are demonic."
"We...gave him up for adoption when we left school....for his own protection,we havent told anyone where he is."
Toby nodded,"No blood...no entry."
"Nah....she's a angel....so she's not that random..."he grinned"Im done with Mortal girls,they're too....needy...and breakable...I mean Francessica's mother-" "who's Francessica?" "My baby girl of course...well she's no baby...she's five...Hey....Hows Forrest doing? Oh thats right....you dont know...poor kid...parents didnt want him." Toby gritted his teeth,clearly his son was a touchy subject,"It was for his own good."
"Matches my eyes right?"he grinned,moving it behind his back"Good to see you,"he turned to Zack,Toby had grown taller than him by atleast a head"You on the other hand...its not so good.What're you doing here?" "I was invited here.Like you,your girlfriend and your two old gal-pal's,do you even have any guy friends?"
His eyes narrowed Toby spun around,a girls handbag in his hand "Rita?"he said squinting
"Why not? I'll tell you wh-"He was cut off by a fimiliar voice.A voice that made Zack back up from Rita,looking annoyed now more than ever "I'll check the car Amy! Hang on!" His lip curled up nastily as he watched Toby duck his blonde head in to boot of the car,digging through a mess only he could make in such a small space.
Yeah he lived,but he ended up with Hayden,though Yeah he probably would've went with Zack,everyone calls him by his real name now though ,which is Daniel.
"Do not treat me like a dog Rita.."he said "Considering that your the one talking,you have some nerve treating anyone in such ways,"he smircked
Well that one I was just gonna see what came to mind but Storm was a dark angel
"Ooooh arent we being B*tchy?"