confetti it is!! *grabs confetti* oh...shhii-... my skin cannot touch stuff....pity... wait... my rank says bunny-servant... but i'm at the top beneath miss r-c... how does that work?
hurray!! how would you like to celebrate miss?
the tags make me confused...what's new here..and what's old?
k-haters, sir?
oh....i'm sorry for troubling you miss...
what kind of epicness miss?
sir kid-hero's no idiot and i am not emo close actually... i am a tree-hugging loner with a blood-feud against humans and i hate myself more than anything in the world...
yes of course i am an idiot!
...goodbye miss... pity....
don't worry miss!! it's because i make a fool out of myself in front of nice girls such as you miss...
eeeep!! i'm going to die out of embarresing myself again!!
oh...i have to go... um...see you next month everyone.... i thank you all for putting up with me....
hope you can today miss...because in 10 minutes i have to go...and won't be back untill next month...
what miss? will you be able to show us?
was it as horrible as it sounds sir?
you went to art school sir? or was it just art class in a regular school? either sounds.....disturbing... i'm sorry...i'm bad at coming up with ideas... how about something simple.... like a fire...and concentrate on making a good shadow....mabye? about making a sunset...and not just a sketch but a focus on colours.... isn't that a little bigger challenge miss?
......yes....indeed sir.. i fail no matter what huh... um miss? how about drawing a heartless.... they always end up cute, right?
i don't know how to make you not bored then sir.... how about trying to find a new hiding-spot without taking something sir fayt has already made up?
not sure sir... but didn't sir roxas and sora have a few fan-girls before? hm....and....wasn't there a family thing here before...i were the faher, right sir?