oh, well... you still shouldn't do it miss... i'm...i'm.... uh.... UGLY!!!
at some times, yes miss...
don't touch mee!!! .... but hello miss...
shibata...? is that fake death sir?
...hm...that's what you mkae me do all the time, miss...
but your intelligence is not just determined on how many words you know... it can range from general knowledge down to simple logic...and i belive you posess that...
i am honoured and proud of you miss! you make the morale in the bunny-castle go sky-high and you boast incredible charm and intellect...
dontpoketheskinifyoucannotwithstandtheburning!! eh...um... hello miss awesome ninja moogle emo_bunny....
well.... your right, sir...because i'm alone now...
yes miss... thank you for helping her...
...hm... well... i hope everythings all right between you and your cousin miss...
um...have i done something wrong miss?
...? she told you what, miss?
no one does miss... i am unloved... i am an outcast...
... you do, miss? huh...i'm....blushing...damn...
your personal life? don't worry miss... i don't think she has spoiled anything... she just asked who i was and that you liked hugging me becuase...
um...yes miss... she has told me a lot about what a good cousin you are miss...
...i...um... ..yes...
she's coming soon, right miss? i'm sorry for asking...
i keep secrets from my family... they have no idea what i'm doing.... i'm rather flattered that they actually choose to believe me... of course...i am sure that they disbelive me...but still...