... but...it was so small... and...so young... i.... ... thank you for answering...
...i'm sorry... also...i don't think i'm allowed to travel all the way to you to adopt the,...sinse nearly everyone in my family are allergic...
...leon and speedy... i would...love...to have them as my family... but... ...i'm sorry emma....
... thank you for answering... but it nearly reached my limit... i was about to attack him... but i don't know what held me back...
...um...what's a SPCA? special cat academy?
yesterday i found something sad... a dead bird with a cracked neck layed visible on the ground... i took the poor souls body with my bare hands ignoring abusements and complaints...and i buried it... but when one of the.....''mates'' kicked the dead bird i felt a terrible urge to kill him... now please tell me... am i mad? am i disgusting for touching a poor birds body? (i will not care what the answers are here) should i be mad at him?
i love cats....but i don't think they like me very much... i'm too ugly...
b-but....are they not happier with you? and...i don't want them to be unhappy...
animals rule.... if you and they are happy..then i am too.... any orders miss?
i-i'm sorry... although..... i have never heard you getting happy when i'm with you...
not now miss.... but then again...you mabye don't like me being here...
ah yes...finland... and i'm from sweden... we do need a danish and a norwayman around here...
pity.... i miss real snow, so much...... i want it back....
now i am... um...sorry for the invisble thing...i like it this way...
i can guess... but i deserve taking wordly and phsyical assualts...
but wouldn't that be good?
i'm to afriad to flirt... and no miss... i only get happy when people offend me....as long as the offendation isn't to....wierd...