well... welcome, sir... we all hope that you will come to enjoy this place... and fell free to stop by where you want and all that... but most importantly...make friends and have fun, sir...
no!! please don't throw the cats,my queen... um...throw.... these hard rocks instead...but not cats...please?
i have not seen many stephen king books...i am sorry... was ''the mist'' good?
which one was it, miss?
...poor miss... damn allergies!!
something wrong, sir?
i'm sorry... im lucky... i hope that you aren't depressed with all that, miss... dont worry!! they'll cure you beofre you know it, miss!
hello sir fayt... i hope you are enjoying....watching........us? no one should look at me....
you...aren't? um...fur, nuts and i have a little trouble with breathing by pollen... but i'm lucky that i don't have astma....my browther and nephew have that... you, miss?
why not, miss? im ready for it! and please don't harm yourself by not taking medicine miss... you have sisters... take care of them...
i can't take those medicines.... or rather...i can...but i don't... plus i have not told my family that i am allerigic yet, as it was newly discovered... i'm dying in the best way possible!
i am allergic, miss...but i ginore them because i can't bear to live without a life with animals.. orders.... queen emma?
i'm sorry... can i help somehow?
...good guess, miss...but it was pretty far off... um... a glorious lady with light shining on her?
yep... cariad is right!
i am fine, thank you miss bunny... how are you, miss?
why are you sad, miss?
bye, miss... i hope to see you again...
i-it looks magnificent?
how come, miss?