it is i thought i looked at it let me check again edit:..... great can i change it
you destroyed makyura the destructor now i can use trap cards in my hand for this turn. thanks fool AHAHAHAHAHA
no chain continue
no continue
this was from my stolen akiza deck (not the one in the pic of course XD) [IMG] its a ghost rare
no my irl decks i did album deck put the site rebooted and now i have to put them back is all
a kid stole them from right under my nose just like that
ya i'm no good with out having a real deck -_- which both got stolen
oh crud your right i was thinking it was one of those cards that take affect when put back into facedown sorry i haven't been able to think strait today i was litsening to Touhou music all day with eggnog let me fix that luckily joey isn't on yet
ya i know that i can't really say anything cause my plan and joey can see XD also this is one of mariks cards
are you ready to dual joey hehehehe prepare to be sent to the shadow realm fool ahahahaha lets dual ~~~~~draw phase~~~~~ ~~~~~Main Phase~~~~~ i'll start by activating pot of greed now i have 2 more cards to destroy you with next i summon a monster in facedown defense now i put a card face down and end. ~~~standby~~~~ cards in hand:5 field: monster zone Magic & trap zone Graveyard:Pot of greed
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Sure Video Game Exclusives: Sure God Cards: yes Hand Refill: Nah First Player:me Other...
great match there sadly i wish i had my 2 real decks one was a deck about only black dragons and the other was an akiza deck with a ghost rare...
oh the irony to think i just finished watching The Endless Eight (the infinity loop ark) just now to see haruhi again those producers are eviler then me and i will crush them for that.
yep -_- i miss my real deck with it i could have been pretty good here. it also had a ghost card of black rose dragon T-T so very rare so very gone
really i love watching that random non senseical barely unplotted stupid crude XD it makes me feel sane knowing theres something crazier
yep hay ever seen bobobo-bo bo-bobo?
well i'm always sad and lonely by i cant depend on people who aren't there so i'm always do things alone even in school projects i get the teacher...
ok name rules i doubt i'll be any good in a fight untill i learn good tricks with my marik deck