no just plan light atribute monsters one example is my lightsworn/batteryman deck (irl) i have a few good light decks with random light monsters like the four sphinxs like androws the great sphinx. i can't ramamber my best deck anymore because it was stolen
heres the order best with light attributed monsters then dragon then plant
I aim to be obelisk blue because my goal is to beat jaden other then that how is everyone XD
Light attribute, plant, and dragon.
hes my favorite character
maybe i should wait for jaden on this idea im 50 50 on the idea due to the fact your bastion and a good friend of jaden it may not be an idea to brush of lightly
>_> will it be temporary until im good or so and so
just not my taste never liked rex -_- really the only other people id want to be are akiza and cant think of the other person
where? i need some respect too you know XD
still on my friend list aren't you >_> also i think that was the best move i have ever done since i came here
oh come on i thought that was way better then before im improving
foolish jaden the more you bet me lke this the less your tricks will work till the light runs out. for darkness is always at every corner so don't think you have won yet jaden AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA
HOLY **** i never knew you could get a monster to get that stronge i didn't think it would be so easy to bet 7800 attack points if only i knew
same card Mystical Space Typhoon
>_> well we dont have much money so i may be venom with the crazy venom mask from last year but i may get cash so its really a 50 50 chance ill be...
sorry i was getting impateint and went for a walk until mom told me i had to go with her to a few places. anyways continue
now i remove all 6 of my batterymen to special summon 3 Batterymen industrial strength but now ...FOR THE CARD YOU'V BEEN WAITING FOR i havent summoned a monster yet so now i summon my egyptian god card RA he now has 7800 attack points now i shall put a card face down and end ((((End phase)))) ((((Standby phase)))) field monster zone magic trap zone ((((removed from play)))) 6 batteryman aa, aa, c, c, d, d ((((Grave)))) 5 card destruction pot of greed 3batteryman industrial strength ((((hand)))) 1 -----------------------EDIT---------------------------------------------- we all now its devine i picked that because it had ra's effect @JOEY
ya it finnaly let me on XD
Dont you dare i will go first now shall we begin this time i plan to win jaden aahahahahahahaaa (((((Draw Phase)))))) Theres 6 cards in my hand (((((Main Phase)))))) now i use pot of greed to draw 2 cards now for some fun ill now activate card destruction i discard what do you discard?
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