excuse me as i go mad[video=youtube;cOf_ce1ak4w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOf_ce1ak4w&feature=related[/video]
Spoiler if you remember skill drains gone ra's attack is back so the only thing to attack would be zaborg
the set card was feather duster
graceful charity well now thats fine by me now by using the last card in my hand i sacrfice you star dragon to summon zaborg the thunder monarch and destroy your drill warrior with his effect. with this i end my turn ((((end phase))))) ((((Standby phase)))) 0 cards in hand field monster zone: M/T zone: ___-----edit----------__ i discarded electric virus and batteryman aa
next i discard now i activate harpie's feather duster
WHAT WHAT how dare you now your going down i discard electric virus now i think ill take your beloved star dragon chain?
time to continue this ((((((((((((((Draw phase))))))))))))))) 1 card ((((((((((((((Main phase))))))))))))))) ill begin with this
no not at all im glad you attacked me actually
oda i know i have a long way to go so sooner or later i'll take you down too
no no chain here nice gurren lagann reference
im just waiting for a good time to chain continue also i wasint completely sure about that one part so i was making sure
no and what happens when you draw 5 tuners do you gain attack points or amount of times you can attack
nope continue
nope no chain continue
i do nothing so continue
gtg ill post my turn in the morning
O_O dang iiiiiiitttttttt @zeonark: i took it back already -_- so many errors in one day
no you may continue ------------edit-------------- i feel the same jaden the first day i came i never knew i could do that
ok so i fixed it
as i recall i counterd a heavy storm but was told that it coulden't stop heavy storm because it destroy's all magic and trap cards some time ago. ill fix it