no continue
RRRRR i end End Phase)))))))))) field M zone T/M zone
ra attack his dragon and send him closer to the shadows its not wise to use your dragons ability on him chain?
i was chaing remove brainwashing so i could steal your dragon
i edited it
i'v never heard that rule i thought it only applys for trap cards
i put it back down at the beggining of my turn this round check for yourself edit: also
what no this can't be oh well i still will crush you in the end and you'll be consumed by the shadows. because i activate my mystical space typhoon from my hand ahahahahaahahahaahahahaha your trap shall begone.
incase you counter my first one wait why am i a midget >_>
i discard 2 electric virus now i take your dragon once again Ahahahahahaha chain? though i know theres nothing you can do to stop me
now i put a card face down. next i activate graceful charity chain?
im sorry did you make your turn i couldent tell i think i'll just go then Draw Phase))))) HAAAAAAAA oh look at this this card spells your destruction. 3 cards in hand Main Phase)))))))))))))) chain?
that one is confusing its not in order no continue
continue fool ahahahahaha for nothing in your deck can stop your destiny of being sent to the shadow realm ahahahahaha
i do i activate my trap imperial order
you forgot that phenix mode cant be destroyed by one attack you should now this effect was shown when we battled what i had posted was about the same thing but joey is more accurate
i do hope you enjoy your trip to the shadow realm because i think your going to love every minute of it for all of eternity now i remove all 6 of my monsters from my grave to summon 3 more powerful creatures to my side of the field like 3 batteryman industrial strength now for the fun i sacrfice all 3 to summon your demise Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. Envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers from deep within so that together we may win. Appear in this Shadow Game as I call your name, Winged Dragon of Ra! now do you see your demise now i end my turn by putting 2 cards face down and end my turn hehehehe End Phase))))))))))) field M zone T/M Zone 0 cards in hand
im going to get you back for what you did to ra. welcome to a shdow duel. we can't wait to long the shadows just can't wait to take your mind to the shadow realm AHahahahaha and frankly neither can i Draw phase))))))) 6 cards in hand Main phase))))) i will do the usual i use pot of greed to draw 2 cards now i activate card destruction i discard battery man aa,aa,c,c,d,d you discard?
i'll duel him first