You know what I noticed Sitcoms are meant to be funny and clever So why are these shows being called sitcoms
I will boycott Nick and Cartoon Network Except for Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Adventure Time, and Regular Show Everything else can suck it.
I'd rather the Lucina one that isn't overly sexualized. She's just a good character to me, tbh. The way her relationship with the Male Avatar develops from a stalking to her genuinely not being creepy is cute and amusing. No you're supposed to put Henry with Olivia or no one if you put Olivia with Chrom
As Crystal and May caught up to Serena, they couldn't help but wonder about the significance of the previous events. Who the hey was Xemnas? Why was he helping them? Unless it was a trick. Crystal wasn't one to trust people immediately, but Xemnas didn't seem hostile yet. They didn't seem to have much of a choice though. Crystal stepped through the portal after Serena and the others. Serena was questioning a kid dressed like Xemnas, and he promptly denied her claims. But one thing did catch her attention. He had said "anymore." That meant he was with Xemnas at one point. This kid was worth keeping around, for now at least. Crystal stepped forward to greet him. "Well hiya. I'm Crystal. That over there is May." She indicated to the brunette who waved happily. From the trees, a young orange haired girl stared down at the animals that were talking. Now, she had seen weird stuff in her life, but nothing compared to this. If she was going to be paid for taking in the blue one, she was expecting big money. After all, a mercenary couldn't just catch large animals like this for the standard price. A girl had to make a living somehow. She turned to her companion, who was making a lot of noise, and glared. "Cynthia, if you don't shut up, I swear to gawds I'm going to make you." "Sorry." The younger girl said. She clapped her hands over her mouth and looked at Severa's targets. "You can do this Sevy! I believe in you! I'm sure Father does too!" Severa gave her a swift kick to shut her up. She smiled with satisfaction at Cynthia's pained squeak that was muffled by her hands.
Before I get back into this, I need these nerds on my roster, specifically the villains. Name: Lucina Video Game Series: Fire Emblem Villain or Hero: Hero Abilities/Equipment: Lucina comes with the Parallel Falchion, the future version of her Father's sword, Falchion. She knows Aether, allowing her to leech energy from foes to heal. She can use most if not all kinds of swords, being a Lord class. Her second ability, Galeforce, allows her to move again after taking out an enemy. Name: Cynthia Video Game Series: Fire Emblem Villain or Hero: Villain Abilities/Equipment: Cynthia is a Pegasus rider. She uses Lances and spears as weapons. She also inherited the Aether Ability from her Father, Chrom, and shares this with Lucina. Another ability she shares with Lucina was inherited from their mother. It is Galeforce, and allows her to move again after taking out an enemy. Name: Severa Video Game Series: Fire Emblem Villain or Hero: Villain Abilities/Equipment: Severa is a mercenary and proficient with all kinds of swords. Her father, Gaius, was a thief and therefore she can pick locks on doors and treasure chests with ease. Galeforce, an ability inherited from her mother Cordelia, allows her to move again after killing a foe. She shares this ability with Lucina and Cynthia.
Because the game won't let me It's either this: Spoiler Or this: Spoiler
Fire Emblem Question Do I have my avatar make children with Olivia or with Tharja
So here, have an adorable dark mage
Reserving: Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening) Fem!Robin/Robyn (Fire Emblem Awakening) Fem!Morgan/Morgana (Fire Emblem Awakening) Cordelia (Fire Emblem Awakening) Severa (Fire Emblem Awakening) Olivia (Fire Emblem Awakening) Inigo (Fire Emblem Awakening) Lissa (Fire Emblem Awakening)