Technically, your mouth is always "watering." It's saliva. Uhm, no, I have never had my mouth really "water" over a food. Now pretty girls, that's a different subject...
Idiots who do not recognize genius when they see it.
Derp moment.
Bro, you're in the spam zone. The word "ridiculous" does not exist here. TAKE YOURSELF AND YOUR DEMONSPEAK OUT OF THIS REALM, WIZARD!
NO. Switch back to Rienzel NOW.
Amazing is the word here, friend.
Correction: Wonderful.
It looks like your links have gravitated together to form a new world. Press △ to land in this world.
Actually, I like your original name. You should keep it. You can always change it later once you have unlimited changes you can do whatever you want without having to regret your change for the next 700 posts.
I read the manga first, and I was like 'What's gone? Oh wait he's holding a camera. Derp." It was obviously the camera batteries, duh.
Oh I see, but keep in mindabout my Roxas idea ;)
"These guys are professionals!" Saelis murmured. "Genius..." he said, watching their progress.He didn't, however, lower his guard. They still might need his help.
Whats up with you?
Alrighty then ^-^
He there Ro? Lol
Really good dude, I like the coloring and lighting, and to be honest, this is a better job than alot of manga out there.
Excuse me, but could I get a image for my signature that has the ending picture from 358/2 Days (Roxas falling out of his coat, with Xion, Him, and Axel in the coat), but could you like get it to blend so that when I put it in my signature, It doesn't have a huge white background, but instead the background of the image blends with kh-vids background. Thanks!
"Hey wait a minute! Isn't that a little unfair? How does Marluxia supposed to win?" Roxas asked, confused.