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  1. Cloud.Strife.
  2. Cloud.Strife.
  3. Cloud.Strife.
  4. Cloud.Strife.
  5. Cloud.Strife.
    Hey Mar-mar, what's up?
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Beucefilous, Jul 19, 2012
  6. Cloud.Strife.
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    I want a cutscene movie instead of live action. Live action would suck, they would get some cheap Keyblade and etc, it would not be good.
    If it was made in the same sense as the cutscenes, then yes, me want movie.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 19, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Cloud.Strife.
    Okay, so got two good reviews from both sites I'm posting this story on, so here we go.
    Roxas/Cloud.Strife. does not own Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, Disney, or any characters mentioned in this story.

    Sora tumbled out of the dark corridor onto the ground. "Ouch!" he yelled, rubbing the back of his head. Luckily his big, poofy hair had cushioned the fall. "Ow, wha...where am I?" He jumped up suddenly. "RIKU! KAIRI!" He yelled, looking around."What the..Radiant Garden?!" he exclaimed confused, looking around.
    "Yeah, Radiant Garden. Sound familiar?" a voice called. Sora spun around, flashing out the Keyblade.
    "Who's there?!!" Sora yelled, spinning around looking.
    "What, you don't remember your old friends?" called another voice, female this time.
    "Shame shame, I know your name!" mused an older male voice.
    "C'mon guys, lay off of him." ordered a calmer, female voice.
    "Alright, alright." A small form leapt off a nearby building down in front of Sora.
    "Yuffie!" Sora exclaime. "Leon! Cid! Aerith!" he yelled as each appeared before him.
    "Good to see you too, kid." Cid laughed, "Where are those friends of yours, erm, what was it...?" he trailed off.
    "Riku and Kairi?" Leon suggested, eyebrow raised.
    "Yeah, them! Where are they?" Cid jumped on the opportunity
    "I..we got seperated. I don't know where they are. There was a portal, and it split, and...." Sora trailed off.
    "Aw, that's so sad, just as soon as you guys get back together!" Aerith cried, hands clasped together.
    "Tell me about it!" Sora complained. Recomposing himself, he got up. "Well, there's nothing left to do but go find them! I wonder where Riku and Kairi got put. There were three seperate portal-thingys." he remembered.
    "Portal..thingys?" Leon whispered behind his hand to Yuffie, who giggled.
    Sora strutted to the door, rearing to go, and then remembered something.
    "Oh..I don't have any way to travel the worlds looking for Riku and Kairi." he said dissapointed.
    "Hrmm." murmured Merlin, walking into the clearing with an armful of things. "No, not that. Nor that. Which is it? Oh, hello Sora. Now let's see, it's the umm..." With a crash all the items he was carrying fell to the ground. "Sora?!" He yelled, running back over. "Well how are you, m'boy?" Merlin asked among the laughter of his companions.
    "Not so good, actually." Sora remarked, and recounted his problem to Merlin.
    "Oh, that one's an easy fix!" he laughed, and started doing magic fingers at Sora.
    "Hocusy-pocusy-clotheschangessora!" Merlin cast. Suddenly Sora felt a warm feeling rush from his head to his toes. He looked down, but saw no difference in his clothes.
    "Now you will be able to travel through the worlds using the power of the Keyblade to open your own portal-thingys!" Merlin exclaimed, delighted.
    "Does everyone here use the word portal-thingys??" Leon questioned again to Yuffie, who giggled harder.
    "Really?" Sora asked, and summoned the Keyblade. Pointing it at a spot in the ground, he willed a portal to grow there. A portal of light this time appeared, waiting on Sora to confirm it's destination. "Wow, that's awesome!" Sora exclaimed. "Can it lead me directly to Riku and Kairi?"
    "Erm, no. It can only lead to worlds you know, and as you don't know where Riku and Kairi are, your best bet is to search all the worlds for them." Merlin recounted.
    Sora confirmed his destination within his mind, and just as he was stepping into the portal, Scrooge walked by. "Oh, hello Sora. Nice portal-thingy." he called. Sora's last image was a laughing Yuffie trying to keep Leon from flinging himself over the castle walls. Then the light doused him, and he saw no more.

    Sorry, I know, a little late.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 19, 2012 in forum: Archives
  9. Cloud.Strife.

    Far-off Touch

    Starting Storyline: It's fourteen years since Kingdom Hearts III. The Organization has been revived in the form of thirteen new members who are out to defeat the remaining Keyblade Wielders in vengeance for the first fall of the Organization, and after, to get hearts of their own, for the members individual purposes this time instead of Xehanort's.
    (Either side can win, but we'll decide that when we get dere, kay?)
    Once we have a few Organization members and a good amount of Keyblade Wielders, we can begin. I control all NPC's and the Organization members that aren't controlled by Players.
    Fill out these forms and decided which side you want to be on.
    Keyblade Wielder: (0 Needed, you may still apply.)
    Keyblade: (Starter Kingdom Key, Synch Blade starters have two Kingdom Keys)
    Special Ability: (Any Keychain ability, Synch Blade must have a backstory to be able to use.)
    Magic: (Starters: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, pick 2.)
    Appearance: (Pic or description.)
    Starter World: (Disney World)
    How you came to be a Wielder: (Must have hardship in order for Keyblade to awaken.)
    Synch Blade Background (optional) :

    Organization Member: (0 needed, you may still apply!)
    Name: (Requires an x)
    Real name:
    How you became a nobody:
    How you joined the Organization:
    Appearance: (Pic/Description)
    Special Ability:
    Powers: (No godmodding)

    Rules: No godmodding
    No double posting, theres a edit button for a reason.
    Wait for others to post
    If you are in a fight and you do not post within 24 hours, you will automatically forfeit the fight.
    The Storyline is NOT SET that the Organization loses!
    There is a variable!
    List of Characters:
    Brady: (Keyblade Wielder)
    Orias: (Keyblade Wielder)
    Robyn: (Keyblade Wielder)
    Xelyk: (Organization Member)
    Silver: (Keyblade Wielder)
    Lucrix: (Organization Member)
    Xikru: (Organization Member)
    Zeke: (Keyblade Wielder)
    Xena: (Organization Member)

    All the Organization Member requirements are now full, and Keyblade Wielders, we will now start.
    If you want you may still apply and might be accepted!


    Here I will post my own character, one character per person. I control all NPC's, Heartless, Nobodies, and Non-Player Organization Members.

    Keyblade Wielder:
    Keyblade:Kingdom Key x2
    Special Ability:Synch Blade
    Magic:Cure, Thunder
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Starter World:Radiant Garden
    History:Brady was born to a poor family, who experience many hardships. His father was killed by Heartless and his mother became ill shortly after his father passed away when Brady was four. He quickly grew up and took care of his mother and two sisters, usually with the help of his friend Galihad. Brady had a rough childhood, and was often picked on by bullies by his unkept hair and poor clothes. However, Galihad started letting him fight his own battles instead of their "team effort", in order to toughen Brady up.
    After having to grow up so fast, Brady usually did household chorses like going to the grocery store. One day during this chore, he was also attacked by Heartless and out of need to live to protect his family he summoned the Keyblade to him. Shortly after, Galihad gained his own Keyblade, and the two became inseperable. At the age of 17, however, Galihad was killed by Heartless, and with his last wish gave Brady his Keyblade, activating Synch Blade. Brady recently left his family in the care of the town council, and departed to remove the Heartless for good.
    How you came to be a Wielder:See history.
    Synch Blade Background:See history.

    All character apps must be accepted by me.
    Thread by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 19, 2012, 100 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis angled his glider up, then spun in a circle extremely fast, knocking into two Rhino Guards and a Weasel Archer.
    He regained control just in time to see Anora break the first wheel. "One down, two to go." he said, and flew off.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 18, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    hai .

    hai .
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for ClawtheCyclops113, Jul 16, 2012
  12. Cloud.Strife.
    Isn't this pretty much necrobumped by now?
    She pretty much ruined Axel and Roxas' relationship by inspiring him to do the ending of 358/2 Days.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Cloud.Strife.
    "Woo-hoo!" Saelis yelled, and jumped onto his keyblade. He flew off and knocked into a Weasel Archer. "Whoa!" he said, nearly falling off. He summoned his keyblade and slashed two Rhino guards, knocking them out. "What fun!" he said.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 16, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    So I see, lol.

    So I see, lol.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for larxenex, Jul 14, 2012
  15. Cloud.Strife.
    I'm hoping that doesn't turn out to be true, because if it does I have no chance of playing KHIII.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 11, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Cloud.Strife.
    When the fourth wall broke.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 11, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    It's pretty good, I don't like the lip line, otherwise it looks good.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 11, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    You're up in the RP.

    You're up in the RP.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Krowley, Jul 11, 2012
  19. Cloud.Strife.
    Bed of Roses-Mindless Self Distortion
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. Cloud.Strife.
    Yeah, so I went ahead and decided to do it.
    Anyway, Roxas/Cloud.Strife. does not own Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, Disney, or any characters mentioned. The following story takes place a year after the events of Kingdom Hearts II, except SPOILER the letter from Mickey was never sent. THIS STORY HAS SPOILERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Sora sat on the paupu tree, staring off into the sunset. "Ah man." he murmured. "This is the life."
    "I'll say." Riku said, coming up behind and leaning back on the tree. "Just like old times. Just as boring, too." he added, shaking his head. "Wish we could see Mickey and them again."
    "Tell me about it." said Sora. "At least there's peace between the worlds."
    "What about our friends in those worlds though?" Riku questioned. "We're unable to see them!"
    "Hm. Good point." Sora said, closing his eyes. "Too bad you can't open the corridor of darkness anymore so we could go visit."
    "Dude, if I could still do that, we'd have never beaten Xemnas. We'd have gotten away before he attacked."
    "Yeah, I see your point." Sora said. "Hey, do you hear something?"
    "Man, I think those paupu fruits are going to your head."
    "No, seriously, I could have sworn..." Sora trailed off, looking disgruntled.
    "Whatever man. How's Roxas?" Riku asked, smiling.
    "Same old same old, I guess. We don't talk that much." Sora replied, still looking confused.
    "Hey there guys!" Kairi said, walking up to join them, taking her spot on the tree.
    "Oh hey Kairi."
    "Hi Kai."
    "What you guys up to?" Kairi asked.
    "Reminiscing about old times." Riku replied.
    "Haha, yeah." Kairi laughed and grinned. Suddenly, Sora jumped up and landed on the ground.
    "There it is again!" He exclaimed. "The strange noise!"
    "Y'know, I do hear something." Riku mused. "I think it's the emptiness of Sora's brain!"
    "Cut it out Riku! I'm serious!" Sora said angrily.
    "All kidding aside," Riku said. "There is a familiar noise. It's the noise of...." He trailed off and began a second too late. "A DARK CORRIDOR!" He yelled, as suddenly a giant whirlpool of dark energy appeared beneath the paupu tree. Splitting into three whirlwinds of darkness, they each engulfed one of the three friends, transporting them through darkness.

    That's all for today, if you guys like it I will continue.
    Thread by: Cloud.Strife., Jul 11, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Archives