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  1. Ø Riku
  2. Ø Riku
  3. Ø Riku
  4. Ø Riku
  5. Ø Riku
  6. Ø Riku
  7. Ø Riku
    Profile Post

    Yeah. :) Sure is.

    Yeah. :) Sure is.
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, Mar 14, 2010
  8. Ø Riku
  9. Ø Riku
  10. Ø Riku
    Hmm... I'll think it over.
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for Always Dance, Mar 14, 2010
  11. Ø Riku
  12. Ø Riku
  13. Ø Riku
  14. Ø Riku
    That could work. I'll make some sketches, and we'll see how that works.
    Post by: Ø Riku, Mar 9, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Ø Riku
  16. Ø Riku
    Absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see the artwork in this book. Especially the cover. :D
    Post by: Ø Riku, Mar 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Ø Riku
    I must say, that's an awesome concept.

    And yeah, I guess making new outfits for the Organization members in the game should be done. Alternative outfits were already in my book of consideration. I think that'd work fine! I have a few ideas for Axel and Saix, but for Marluxia and Xion, that'll be a challenge. Xemnas, I think, is best left with the Organization cloak. I might just change the chains on the cloak.
    Post by: Ø Riku, Mar 8, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Ø Riku
    Okay, the production of Extinction: Kingdom Hearts is really coming into play. I'm starting to write the script and scenarios for the prologue. Now, I need a bit of assistance. I need someone who's:1) good at masking, 2) got KH2FM and a capture card, and 3) is a fair 3D animator.
    Post by: Ø Riku, Mar 7, 2010 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Ø Riku
    Profile Post

    I don't know yet.

    I don't know yet.
    Profile Post by Ø Riku for ^_^zexion's real wife^_^, Mar 7, 2010
  20. Ø Riku