Nothing much, man. How've you been? It's been a while...
Wait For You by Atreyu.
Pretty good, I guess.
I wouldn't think it would be. I'm sorry, but I gotta go. Talk to ya later. :)
Whoa... okay, then.
The lowest I've gotten was cutting myself. I don't see how much lower I could go.
Heh. Loneliness kills me.
Again, thanks. Looks like I'm not alone.
I don't know.
I didn't know. You just had me fooled for a second.
Thanks. I'm glad to know people care about me online.
:) I was about to say... I thought you were serious there.
What? No! It's just... complicated. I don't want to burden you.
... Sorry, but I'm going to have to keep that one private.
I've been gonig through a rough patch. I've been so confused, frustrated, and depressed lately. And on top of that, my friends don't give a ****.
I guess so...
... Sorry. I can't really take a joke at the moment.
Yeah, thanks. :)
Moving forward. I don't know where to go from where I stand now. And my so-called "friends" aren't doing **** to help me.
Not really, but thanks for asking.