oh **** i didnt know it was that complicated hey with Careys tools is it possible to make undma kh2 characters or will it only work for kh1
alrigh well if you ever make a kh2 tutorial i'll be there
no but i will man this sucks
tell her to take them off then you've sinned but definetively worth it
dam! so every game has different hacking styles?
not even with your tutorial?
hey can you give me a leon dump for kh2? ima try to make a play as leon DMA
thanks i just saw it it was alright lol i think kanye said it cuz he was in it too
does anyone have the link?
thanks but i like how the second one has my name on it and some of my favorite characters LIES! McDonalds is dead! heres the clip just in case you didnt know: Spoiler
hey wats sup
Yes a BK triple Stacker that cheesy cheesyness that bakony bakon that delicious deliciousness is not to go unnoticed! yes indeed i tasted heaven today
can you get it from him?
lol pretty much yeah
fuck that your dumb motherfucker and your site sucks!
yyyyyyyeeeeeeessssssssss krayzie and advent beef offically over!
lol well it is a pretty gay term the quote it just never never gets old
its not mines but watever im just admin better than yours thats for sure cuz it has non-asswipe admins like oh idk... YOU
may i jack your siggy?
idk its in my siggy check it stop harassing me its a joke nah in a couple of hours perhalps