ok ill try
true still he beat dark side so he'll probably be out of the islands in his next episode
ok like just their model (like T-Stance) or their moveset too?
lol i meant if you thought he was the boss and oh yeah that would be awesome i'd love to take him down
who? kurt siza?
yeah i wonder who it could be you know in his first kh game released here he put kurt siza as a boss and it was awesome!
very alrigh
thanks cant wait to begin
yeah i read it in da thread i havent tried walkin though but i dont get it like he has walkin animations but not running ones?
cool cant wait man i hope he releases that episode tomorrow
dam well at least we can use him with the fly code hey when is carey releasing da codes?
still its good
yeah its cool riku looks a lil chubby though
oh but like arent u workin on aminations for cloud?
wats sup dude
tut is tutorial right?
i have no idea of what dat is
same so what could animations are you workin on?
the blue and purple one is the best one
yes at least! i cant wait to play that awesome episode and beat that secret boss!