Oh wow, That was really really good. The keyblade looks amazing, and it's fun to see them break stuff with it. I also really like how he made the teeth sharper to make it more of a weapon. This is really amazing.
Wow sounds like you have a lot to do there. Good luck. :)
Well looking at everything you like I have no doubt that you'll fit in perfectly here. Everyone here can be nice at times. Just be sure to follow the rules, and you're all set. Welcome, and enjoy your stay.
I thought you were going to south korea not school. :P
Yup, I'm already cramming a lab report for tomorrow.
It looks interesting, and perhaps a bit enjoyable, but doesn't seem too special to me.
Lol that too. XD Back to school, not a happy thing :P
Ulqui !! :D
Back to school, back to mountain load of work
Hope you have fun :)
@Hansode Shiranui Thanks for the gift I love it a lot :) @Dr_Wigglz Sorry for the wait, and you might have to wait a bit more, you'll get your gift soon I promise.
Happy 2014 everyone :)
Thank Oda, I hate how I haven't been able to go online for an incredibly long time. Hope you had fun during the holidays.
Only saw this now. :P HEEY!! Belated Merry Christmas
Thanks, Merry Christmas to you too.
I'm excited to see what they have in store for us. So far, the graphics look incredible for BBS, and Coded.
Hehe yeah right, it practically rains here for 5 months, gets a mix of windy, cloudy, and some rain for the other 5, then burning hot sun for the last 2.
It's December, time to go use my default holidays avatar, and sig.
I check my alerts, and inbox. Then I go check What's New?, lurk around a little, and chat with my friends if any of them are online.
Maybe it's the way it's cooked? I never liked crispy bacon, it always feels too dry to me.