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  1. Railos
    I always thought they did otherwise, wouldn't the heartless have gone after the Kingdom Hearts Xemnas created?
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Railos
    I do see how the heart could have been removed, but if the heart was still there, then maybe the Nobodies have some control over the heartless making them stay away from it's heart. I always thought that The World That Never Was was like Twilight Town a world that is sort of an in-between world. It isn't a world of light or darkness. Twilight Town is closer to the light though, and The World That Never Was is closer to darkness thus the heartless population.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Railos
    Shouldn't that have more of an effect on Terranort, than on Xemnas, I'm pretty sure that if Xehanort is bringing in all his forms over time, then Terranort should be one of them.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Railos
    I don't think Master Eraqus, Roxas, or Xion will be one of the lights. Seeing as Master Eraqus is dead. Also Roxas, and Xion are already a part of Sora, they were created from Sora, unlike Ven, who existed before Sora. It would be pretty hard to bring them back out, and would be quite a long shot to make them part of the 7 lights.

    I think the 7 lights would be: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Ven, Mickey, Lea

    13 Darknesses would be: Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem SoD, Young Xehanort, Terranort, Vanitas, Braig, Isa, Dilan, Aeleus, Even, Ienzo, Luxord/Marluxia

    Most of these are pretty obvious, but for the Organization people, I think they'll be part of it because there's already been a scene showing Even and Ienzo on the floor after Xehanort attacked them. It's safe to assume that he did to them what he did to Braig, and since Isa was also part of it, I think it's safe to assume that the rest of the Organization members in Radiant Garden have had the same thing happen to them. As for Luxord, he lasted quite a while, so that might be proof to his strength and ability, which might make his candidate. Marluxia was made boss of Castle Oblivion, and is also pretty strong, I think controlling him won't be a problem, once he's become half Xehanort.

    Sora vs Master Xehanort
    This one is kinda obvios, Sora has been the hero for most of the series, so why not make him beat the main villain. After all, he has everyone's hearts in him as his strength to fight.

    Kairi vs Dilan/Aeleus/Even/Ienzo
    Kairi used to live in Raidant Garden, so it wouldn't be that hard to imagine her going against the any of these guys, not all at once of course.

    Riku/Mickey vs Ansem SoD/Young Xehanort
    Riku has been fighting against Ansem in almost every single game. It's gotten to the point that seeing someone else aside from Riku fight against Ansem, seem almost unnatural to me. Mickey being the only exception, it'd be fun to see the King go against the Heartless that's been around since KH1. Mickey having a lot of light go against Ansem, a very powerful Heartless. Seeing either of them go against Young Xehanort wouldn't be too much of a big deal either. Riku's already fought him once, and technically Mickey has faced him, so either of them could deal with Young Xehanort.

    Aqua vs Braig/Terranort
    Aqua's fought against Braig multiple times, and seeing her end it with him would be cool. She could also go against Terranort as a way to bring back her friend, or fulfill her master's orders to keep an eye on him.

    Ven vs Vanitas
    To see Ven fight against his dark self wouldn't be hard to imagine. The only problem here is that it might forge the X-blade again, if Ven isn't strong enough.

    Lea vs Isa/Marluxia
    Lea vs Isa would definitely be one of the battles needed here. It is sad to see two best friends fight against each other though. Well we already saw how epic Axel vs MArluxia was in Re:CoM, so why not finish the battle in KHIII, it would be really cool to see the two fight again.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Railos
    I don't know, it's hard for me to imagine anyone that has part of Xehanort's heart in them, fight against Xehanort himself. Sora could try that, but I think if it's anyone he could bring out it would be Terra, not Xemnas.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Railos
    I highly doubt Xemnas would go against Xehanort seeing as he is technically Xehanort, while he might have some of Terra's memories, I doubt that could change him. He probably keeps Aqua's armor to keep other people from finding it. Maybe if they did find it, then it would help them find Aqua? He probably needed to find Ven to make sure he stayed asleep? It's like making sure your enemies are unable to help your other enemies.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Railos
    I actually love P3 more than P4, the story, and characters were a lot better there than in P4 in my opinion.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Railos
    Donald is definitely saying help, i was only joking about that since, Donald is usually considered a character whose voice is hard to understand, but oddly enough his battle quote isn't as confusing as Goofy's, it's barely confusing at all. As for Captain Jack Sparrow, I'm pretty sure he said "Oh well" I guess the wiki got it wrong.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Railos
    I don't know I kinda loved Persona 3 and 4, and the stories are sort of interesting to me, but yeah, after a while it does get kind of repetitive.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Railos
    Profile Post Comment

    Lol it's alright.

    Lol it's alright.
    Profile Post Comment by Railos, Jan 20, 2014
  11. Railos
    It sort of sounds like I've where the "I" sounds a bit like an "ah". You'd think it'd be harder to understand donald, but no it just had to be goofy.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Railos
    How does it matter?
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Railos
    But I thought I heard a sort of 'V' sound.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Railos
    Well this is the only threadIi've ever seen with a tweet, retweet, and fb status update.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Railos
    Wow, i never thought of it that way, but I think you do have a point there. It does seem like a bunch of kids, who want to be in the real world, but encounter a lot of problems, when they are forced into it. It's like how kids like pretending to be grown ups, but when they reach a certain age they experience how the real world really is. The people Sora meet are liekt he friends you meet in life. They will help you and get you through life. just like how there is light in darkness, this could mean how there is always a bright side, and things could get better in the long run.
    Actually in KH3D Xemnas mentions that nobodies actually do have hearts

    In KH3D, I think one of the themes is obviously dreams. Like how a dream can make or break you.
    Like how Rhyme's dream brought the TWEWY group into Traverse Town,
    dreams can influence you. They can either be good like spirits and help you achieve your goals, or bad like nightmares, and stop you from reaching what you want to achieve. There will be people who will stop you from achieving your goal like Xehanort, but there will also be friends who are always with you whether you know it or not. Friends who will support you and cheer you on.

    BBS I think could also mean a lot about friendship. Like how some friendships can go through a lot of problems, but if in the end they are still your friends,then they will help you, because that is how friends are.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Railos
    I just realized something stargazing at a sky with next to zero stars, the heartless must have been working overtime.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Railos
    Never heard of him, I hope he isn't going to be a voice actor, Jesse McCartney's already doing a great job as Roxas' voice actor.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Railos
    retweet .
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Railos
    It makes no sense to me, though if you listen really close and think of "I've had it fellers", it does sort of sound like that.
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. Railos
    Either that or the moon halo everybody's been talking about, or a UFO. HIT THE GROUND!
    Post by: Railos, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone